Ordinary lilies without fragrance are mostly brightly colored, but their heads are small, such as yellow lily/orange lily/small white lily. In the flower wholesale market, the price of each lily varies from 2 yuan to 4 yuan.
There are also perfume lilies, and each perfume lily with more than 4 heads needs at least 12 yuan even in the flower wholesale market!
The price of common perfume lilies (2 or 3 heads) in the flower wholesale market is around 6 ~ 1 in 8 yuan.
Whether it is white or pink, the price of perfume lily is the same, and it will not change much, but if it is in a flower shop, the price will increase by at least 75%.
There is also a single-headed yellow lily called "Yellow Storm", which has a huge flower shape and elegant color, but it doesn't smell good, only 5 yuan.
There is also a kind of "narcissus lily" used to match the bouquet, which is small and exquisite and lovely in color. A bundle is about 10 yuan.
I suggest you buy violets or snapdragon or thyme as incense flowers, because lilies are too expensive!