The word "not violating Confucius" comes from the Analects of Confucius, an ancient classic document in China. In the Analects of Confucius, Confucius once said to his disciples, "If your parents are here, you must swim well if you don't travel far." This is Confucius' explanation and emphasis on filial piety. And "not disobeying the Lord" is the concrete embodiment of filial piety, showing respect and obedience to parents.
In ancient China, a master was an honorific title for a man with knowledge, morality and status, expressing his respect and admiration. Therefore, "not violating the master" means not violating the teachings of those who have knowledge, virtue and status, but learning their knowledge and wisdom with an open mind.
The word "not violating Confucius" has far-reaching significance and influence in China culture. It is not only respect and obedience to elders, but also awe and pursuit of knowledge. At the same time, "not violating Confucius" is also a moral principle, which requires people not to violate moral norms and ethical principles, but to always maintain a quality of integrity, honesty and responsibility.
In ancient China, education was not universal, and those who could receive education had certain social status and economic conditions. Therefore, the word "not against the Lord" also reflects the respect and pursuit of knowledge. People should learn knowledge with an open mind and constantly improve their quality and ability in order to gain a foothold in society and succeed.
In modern society, although the word "not violating Confucius" is no longer commonly used, its moral principles and values are still of great significance. We should keep the awe and pursuit of knowledge, and at the same time pay attention to the observance of moral standards and ethical principles, and be a responsible, responsible and moral person.
In a word, the word "not violating Confucius" is one of the important parts of China ancient culture, which embodies the respect and pursuit of knowledge and the observance of moral norms and ethical principles. In modern society, we should continue to pursue and stick to these values and be a responsible, responsible and moral person.