Good groom, good head, good health, good personality, good school and good family business. He should be a good son, son-in-law, husband and father in the future. The bride is good, looks good, has a good figure, is good at housekeeping, manages money, is gentle and virtuous, and is generous and elegant. Now she is a good daughter, a good daughter-in-law, a good wife, and she will be a good mother in the future.
Heaven and earth cooperate to form a career in pairs; The husband sings with the woman, and the Millennium is rich. Put red flowers on your head and wear a red coat; Husband and wife grow old together, with one heart and one mind. The bride is generous and knowledgeable; Mandarin is good, you can speak it in your stomach. Tonight, the bridal chamber is brightly lit; Everyone is old and beautiful. Dragon and phoenix follow each other, opening their mouths to replace fish; Night after night, it will be rich for thousands of years. Transform the world and fall in love freely; No introduction, two people's love. The bride is obedient and the husband and wife are long; Congratulations on the celebration, Lin Zhixiang. The tea tray is round and the sweet tea is sweet; The two surnames are married and are twins at the end of winter. The teacup is square and full of gold and silver; The bride's makeup is clever, and the groom's wealth is king.
Feng Huang Yu Fei, a happy family with one heart and one mind, husband and wife and Minggua love each other. Yi Shi Ikea loves oxygen. Lucky chance happens to have a happy marriage, perfect match, perfect match, beautiful, full of flowers, wealth and happiness.