So I analyze whether it is good for college students to do part-time jobs from the perspective of students and teachers, and where are the benefits? It can be said that is it beneficial for college students to do part-time jobs? The answers of counselors and college students are completely opposite.
From the students' point of view, universities have so much spare time, so we should use our spare time to play the corresponding value and get the corresponding benefits. So as to reduce the financial burden of parents and themselves in daily life, which can be described as killing two birds with one stone.
And now there are only a few part-time jobs for college students, such as tutoring, handing out leaflets, wedding emcee, waiter and temporary audience. In fact, every post looks so ordinary, but it is very popular.
Take leaflets as an example. It takes not only patience, but also setbacks. Leaflets are distributed to all kinds of people, not just students or teachers like college students. The challenge brought by the diversity of personnel is doubled, so you can learn a variety of things just by distributing leaflets on a part-time basis.
From the teacher's point of view, although the teaching advocated now is a combination of content and practice. But after all, the university is a place to provide knowledge, where there will be so many operating opportunities for everyone to share equally, and the tutor's laboratory is only for top students. Therefore, it is almost impossible to implement equal opportunities for all.
However, the position given by society can provide such an opportunity for college students, and it may not matter during school. Because of the professional internship position, employers prefer long-term cooperation. But in summer vacation and winter vacation, such part-time job opportunities will definitely open more doors for professional students. Therefore, from the perspective of university teachers, the advantages of college students taking part-time jobs outweigh the disadvantages.
Whether it is beneficial for college students to take part-time jobs, the two most intuitive perspectives, students and teachers, may be completely different from what we imagined. Because it is 2 1 century, opening the market also needs the practical ability of employees.
It is no longer just a diploma that can get a good job. Therefore, the advantages of college students doing part-time jobs outweigh the disadvantages.