The best man should be a relative and friend of two newlyweds, preferably younger and unmarried than the newlyweds, and the younger brother and sister can also be the best man and bridesmaid. As for the conditions of being the best man and bridesmaid, the most important thing is to be diligent, not afraid of hard work, and be good at creating an atmosphere, which can make the wedding more lively, make the guests more enthusiastic and control the atmosphere at the scene.
The best man refers to the person who accompanies the groom at the wedding and is selected by the groom. The best man is an important person in a wedding working group, and the best man is the companion and representative of the couple. Choose the number of groomsmen and bridesmaids; The groom's brother can be the best man; The best man keeps the ring given by the groom to the bride; The best man can't steal the groom's thunder; At the wedding, the best man's dress should match the main color of the bridesmaid.
The concept of bridesmaids, boys, groomsmen and ushers in a wedding comes from the belief that the evil soul jealous of the couple's happiness will ruin the wedding and hurt them on the wedding day. But if there are many people wearing similar clothes at the wedding, it can confuse ghosts and protect the couple to complete the wedding ceremony.