Five realms of life; God, Wisdom, Truth, Sage and Sage were China's standards in the Yanhuang period, which were consistent with the Five Virtues. God's benevolence and righteousness are really courtesy, and virtue is wisdom, and virtue is faith. Tai Chi is retrograde, reversing the five elements. For example, Lao Zi, Zhuangzi and Confucius and Mencius should first become sages and talented young people.
The original meaning of fairy is now, first, leisure, county, immortality, obvious, fresh, dedication, constitution and fiber. Lao Zi, Zhuangzi and Confucius and Mencius were cautious at first, but few virtuous mothers grasped it at a young age, choosing neighbors, pruning branches, being virtuous and eliminating yin. Walk from good, walk from evil, not from small evil, not from small good. Parents are the children's first teachers, and they spoil their children. Laozi, Zhuangzi, Confucius and Mencius were born in misery, and the group of Yin was burned in Hongyang cauldron, which was the gossip furnace of Taishang Laojun. Lao Zi, Zhuangzi, Confucius and Mencius have all been refined into critical eyes, and monsters can see it at a glance.
Laozi, Zhuangzi, Confucius and Mencius were heaven and man, and one yin came to earth. Put the spirit first, value righteousness over profit, value friends over color. Through hard work, I have achieved something, which is remarkable. I am carefree, clear-minded, loyal to the constitution, dare to be the first, dare to be the first in the world, delicate and delicate, and can be a county official to be superior.
Sages become saints, and the original meaning of saints is victory, province, health, sound, promotion, surplus, prosperity, multiplication, rope and spirit. Laozi, Zhuangzi, and Confucius and Mencius are superior to a group of wise men, saving trouble and understanding, giving birth to their voices, gaining an insight day by day, coming back to life, advancing with victory, having a yardstick in their hearts, and being in harmony with nature.
Laozi, Zhuangzi, Confucius and Mencius were indifferent to fame and fortune, regarded money as dirt, and only pursued morality. It's hard for things outside to touch their hearts. Fitness is enough, there is no need. Life is like rice. Laozi, Zhuangzi and Confucius and Mencius stood at the age of 30, studying the books of sages and being descendants of the people of China and China. It has spread the spirit of Wang Zhidao and mankind and contributed to China. He was a gentleman in the turbulent period when the devil danced wildly. If you are rich, you will help the world, and if you are poor, you will be immune. Reject all temptations, be bitter, and abandon each other like a broom.
The truth above the sacredness can only produce goodness and beauty, and it is for benevolence, righteousness, courtesy and wisdom. The original meaning of Zhen is Zhen, Zhen, Zhen, Zhen, Zhen, Zhen, Zhen, Zhen, Zhen, Zhen, Zhen, Zhen, Zhen, Zhen, Zhen, and Zhen are sons and daughters of China.
Laozi, Zhuangzi and Confucius and Mencius are Lei Zhen. They are sober and their hearts are full of Zhenhai gods. The lineup was square and in its prime, which greatly boosted morale. Waiting for you, justice is treasured, and you can connect the framework to show your ambition. Chastity and elegance, diagnose the world with Tao, distinguish good from evil, and strive for perfection. Be cautious, explore the world and be a true Chinese son and daughter.
Laozi, Zhuangzi, and Confucius and Mencius walked between pseudo-human and humanoid, treating people with sincerity, regardless of academic qualifications. Fold your arm nine times without regret, and your mind is perfect. People are far away, but people are not far away. Laozi, Zhuangzi and Confucius and Mencius not only tried their best to save the souls of the world in the furnace of Hongyang gossip. Burn the Yin Qi of the Taoist seeker with his own samadhi power, help him transform into Yang Qing, and return to his vacuum hometown after his death.
Laozi, Zhuangzi and Confucius and Mencius practiced hard all their lives and traveled all their lives. The original meaning of wisdom is wisdom, son, knowledge, value, straightness, reference, ambition, cultivation, control, quality, governance, restraint, organization, purpose, post, cultivation, loyalty, constancy, colonization, levy, rank, fatness, wisdom and roasting.
Laozi, Zhuangzi, Confucius and Mencius entered the old Qiu Cheng with superb wisdom, and the descendants of China know more, which is worth preserving. The first is integrity, meaning, ambition, control and pure texture, which can be the correct treatment. It is an unshirkable responsibility to stop at the Five Virtues, work hard, weave splendid scenery and aim at China. Rooted in people's hearts, sincere, persistent, stay in the world, and train people wholeheartedly. Fire is the symbol, and Lin Zhong is the purpose. Orderly, fleshy and fragrant, it is very popular in China.
Laozi, Zhuangzi, Confucius and Mencius, I am the sun in the sky, the sun on the earth and the spirit. The earth is young and barren, and Laozi, Zhuangzi, Confucius and Mencius are all excellent varieties that will last a lifetime. Spring gives birth to a yin, and there are countless companions in the universe.
The supreme person has no dream, and the soul of Laozi, Zhuangzi, Confucius and Mencius comes out of the shell and comes leisurely. Shaoyang stems have at least yin branches, and Shaoyin is accompanied by fate. They have the same mental state and similar fate, but they are in different positions.
Man is located in middle earth, and the tangible material world is the earthly branch, and the earthly branch is four; The sun is ugly, the sun is ugly, the sun is ugly, the sun is ugly. Positive soil five, negative soil dozens. Laozi, Zhuangzi, Confucius and Mencius associate with Shaoyin people who are 20 years later than Shaoyang people. The spiritual world is that the Yang follows the Yin first, which plays a warning and omen to the astronomical phenomena.
Laozi, Zhuangzi, Confucius and Mencius are all in the shape of death, and the three souls will become gods after death. The original meaning of God is Shen, Shen, Shen, Shen, Shen, Shen, Shen, Shen, Shen, Shen, Shen, Shen, Shen, Shen, Shen, Shen, Shen, Shen, Shen.
Laozi, Zhuangzi, Confucius and Mencius, heaven and man are one, three souls are gods, and God is in him and deeply rooted in people's hearts. What is a natural couple, Shen Hou can judge. Its shape is in the kidney, and its ambition can be extended. Don't do anything for yourself, be careful from beginning to end. Gentleman pervades people's hearts, and the floating picture is like a mirage.
Laozi, Zhuangzi and Confucius and Mencius have five realms of life; God, wisdom, truth, sage and sage are the five elements of positive tone, and the original meaning is positive yin. One yang and one yin are Tao, one yin and one yang are Tao, between heaven and man and yin and yang, the sky is starlight, man-made and Chen-shaped, and its original meaning is dust. The rolling world of mortals is a gossip furnace, and monsters are samadhi. True blue will never stain. Only when the Hongyang cauldron has been burned can we be glad that the world of mortals has been exhausted in 384. What Laozi, Zhuangzi and Confucius and Mencius did was the right way and a model for the world.