Generally speaking, the square table in a banquet is very particular. Judging from the people who enter the door, facing the gate, in the right theme, in the left deputy position, facing the gate, on the right (diagonally opposite to the theme), there are three, four on the left, on the right, the fifth near the theme, the sixth near the fourth, and the seventh near the left. What are the remaining seats? Standing at the door, facing inward, opposite to the right is the upper seat, and the left is the second seat. There are three or four seats on the right, which are waiters in the upper berth. On the left are the second batch of escorts, No.5 and No.6. Near the door is a seat, which is responsible for pouring tea and serving vegetables.
If it is a round table, the seat facing the gate is the upper seat, and the counterpoint method is the lower seat of the seat. The first on the left is the main guard, and the first on the right is the deputy guard. And so on, to the seat.
I hope my answer is helpful to you. Thank you.