Yangzi dialect is more important, and annotations are more important. Yao Chang's record in the Book of Jin ordered him to plant a tree in a doorway to make great contributions. "Materia Medica" Dill gives birth to Buddha and serves the country. One is kindness, the other is fennel, just Qin. In Kangxi Dictionary, the editor collected all kinds of ancient books and summarized the meaning of "benefit", that is, cultivation, planting, full house, a perennial herb. It has no negative meaning, so this word can be used as a name.
It's not a common word, but it's really easy to remember, because it's a pictophonetic word and its structure is not complicated. It means planting, herbs, full house, etc. And it is not passive, so it can be named after the word "Zhu".
Name recommendation
Chen Chen: The original meaning of the word "Chen Chen" refers to the general name of celestial bodies, and the extended meaning refers to the morning time. It is used with the word "Chen Chen" in people's names to symbolize the scene of hope and prosperity.
Youyou: Youyou has a worrying explanation when explaining words, but when used in names, it represents a leisurely life and means that children will grow up carefree.
Zhen Zhen: Zhen Zi means auspicious sign. Paired with Zhen Zi, it has the meaning of all wishes come true and everything goes well, symbolizing that children will have a successful career and a wide range of financial resources.
Mu refers to yearning, admiration, admiration, attachment and yearning, such as yearning for the wind. Naming means being talented, carrying forward, respected and personable.
Jun: an ancient unit of weight, 30 Jin is a jun ... also refers to Excellence, or used as a courtesy title in letters or spoken language to express nobility.