Seats for the state banquet shall be arranged in strict accordance with the protocol sequence provided by the other party, and the attendees shall be informed in advance; According to the custom of the visiting country, arrange a long table or horseshoe table, especially pay attention to the main table, and don't always arrange round table dining. Carefully made seat cards, written in two languages, are convenient for guests to sit down; The names on the seat cards are in Chinese and foreign languages; If the foreign guests' names are too long, only their surnames and titles should be written, and their full names and honorifics should be written in foreign languages.
The state banquet is divided into meals, one for each person. In the early days of the founding of New China, state banquets were divided into meals. But at that time, after the dishes were served, the waiter gave them to each guest, and the rest was placed in the middle of the table, and whoever ate them took them. After 1987, the chef divided the dishes according to the number of people at the banquet, and then served them.