To marry a bride, you should first choose a date, and then get married in front of the matchmaker, family and friends. When you go to the woman's house, you should inform her that her house will prepare something for the guests. When they come to the woman's house, the girls will cry and say some words of thanks. Finally, the bride is given to the groom by her family.
In Huzhou's traditional wedding customs, there is also the habit of paying homage to the bride. Welcoming the bride is a very important part of the whole wedding and should be held in the main hall. It is essential for newcomers to worship three times. After the erection is completed, the new couple can enter the bridal chamber. Guests can enter and start eating only after the couple enters the room.
There are also some customs to know about the bridal chamber. Newcomers have a candlelight night, looking for a little boy to pee in the bucket of their grandchildren in the new house, and at this time, the bride will beg for love. Then friends make trouble in the new house, and then sprinkle sugar and red dates in the new house.
Another important custom is that after marriage, newlyweds must pay a return visit. On the second day of the wedding, the bride's parents will visit her home, and then a few days later, the groom will accompany the bride to her parents' home, that is, return the door.