Uyghur taboo: when eating or talking with people, don't blow your nose, yawn or spit, and don't look around or stand up when an elder leads you as a "Duwa" after dinner; Do not eat pork, donkey meat, dog meat, mule meat, dead animal meat and the blood of all animals. Don't wear short clothes. Generally, your coat should be knee-high and your trouser legs should reach your feet. Don't wear shorts outdoors. Sitting in the house, avoid straightening your legs and pointing your feet at people; Don't use one hand when accepting goods or inviting tea; Without the owner's consent, the owner's property shall not be used; When you go to other people's homes, you must let the older people in first. Young and middle-aged women are forbidden to enter when they are alone at home; Newly married couples' bridal chamber should not be broken into casually; Seeing a red cloth strip hanging on the door means that women give birth or children have a rash, and outsiders are forbidden to enter; Don't joke with women; Avoid going shirtless in public, and don't go to other people's homes wearing vests and underwear; Avoid talking about other people's shortcomings behind their backs; It is forbidden to urinate, spit or pour dirty water near the residence, near the water source, around the cemetery, mosque and under the fruit trees; It is forbidden to bring dirty things into cemeteries and mosques; It is forbidden to build pigsty and toilet near the cemetery, livestock are not allowed to run around in the cemetery, and soil is not allowed to be taken from the cemetery; Don't use your own bucket or jar to fetch water from wells or dams full of water. Draw water from a public bucket first, and then pour it into your own bucket or jar. In northern Xinjiang, it is forbidden to speak humorous or teasing language in front of elders. Agree 6| Comment