If it is a car rental company like CAR Inc now, when they rent a car, they hire a driver and you rent it with someone, then you form an employment relationship with that person and you hire him to drive for you. In this case, if he is injured in the process of employment, you as an employer need to bear the liability for compensation; If you just let him drive you somewhere, it's over, then a contractual relationship is formed, and you don't have to bear the liability for compensation after his injury. Unless you have a command error or a choice error, such as letting him go the way he can't, or he doesn't have a driver's license himself.
I see. In your case, the owner has actually established a labor relationship with the company, but he has his own production tools, that is, vehicles, but this does not affect the qualitative nature of labor relations. Risk: if you don't sign a labor contract, you need to pay twice the salary; You can ask for compensation when you terminate, and you can ask for compensation for work-related injuries when there is a traffic accident. There are risks. Some enterprises will sign a contract agreement with such personnel to show that the relationship between them is contract relationship rather than labor. But even so, from the perspective of basic legal relations, it may still be recognized as labor relations.