How much is the bride price in Fengyang, Anhui?
Bride price: 5W on average. The gift from the man to the woman is 1W0 1 yuan, which means one and then four sets in a million, and there are golden pigs, large and small, called four-shed gifts. The child was holding a spittoon wrapped in red cloth. There were red eggs in the spittoon, and when he went out, he was taken away by others. There is a woman holding a red umbrella for the bride. Before getting on the bus, she put a few square cakes under her feet to show that she would be promoted step by step. There must be ostentation and extravagance at the banquet. The night before the wedding, the new bed in the new house needs a little boy to press the bed, that is, to sleep. The new bed will be filled with red dates, longan, peanuts and so on. It means to have children early.