1. If you can see that it is a fake when you sign for it, I suggest you just reject it.
Refund is not as easy as directly refusing the visa once it is signed. If the goods are found to be fake after receiving them, first negotiate with the seller for a refund.
2. If the seller doesn't agree to refund, we should collect as much evidence of the fake as possible.
It is also good to ask the relevant departments to identify the photos, as long as it can prove that the items are fakes. If the evidence is convincing enough, a refund will be allowed. Please send the goods back to the address. Don't forget it so easily after receiving the refund. We can inquire about your return postage by clicking on the after-sales application. If the seller has a special service, we can also ask the seller to make triple compensation. At the same time, we can also report sellers' fakes on the e-commerce trading platform.
3. Online shopping for fake goods, the seller should bear punitive damages.
As a third party, the trading platform, according to the law, should be jointly and severally liable if it knows the store fraud and does nothing.
Hope to be adopted, thank you.