Using the luminous effect of fireworks combustion, if metal powder (such as aluminum powder and magnesium-aluminum alloy powder) is added to the medicine, solid and liquid products can be generated when the medicine burns, which will dissociate a lot of light energy and thermal radiation, with luminous intensity of hundreds of thousands of international candles and temperature of several thousand degrees. Fireworks use this luminous effect to play the role of lighting. Using this luminous effect, we can make various kinds of lighting lamps (bombs) with different sizes and shapes.
After some drugs are ignited, they can not only produce a certain light color, but also eject many bright stars in the light segment, which is called "jet wave" (or pull wave). This phenomenon is also produced by using the luminous effect. When hard charcoal powder, aluminum powder and iron powder are added to the agent, some particles are not completely burned in the light section after combustion, and these ejected particles meet with oxygen in the air, and a secondary combustion reaction will occur, resulting in different colors and certain brightness. Hard charcoal powder can produce Venus; Iron powder can produce steel blue stars; Aluminum powder can produce small white bright stars, and under the action of spray waves, it can create various fireworks images, such as golden yellow, white and steel blue spray flowers; Or a swimming tadpole part (called curvature) and a somersault part (called hydrangea) that can produce scurrying, and so on.
Some drugs can burn strongly after being ignited to produce certain brightness and color, resulting in a pulse phenomenon of one bright and one extinguished. This effect, which we call flicker, is also a kind of luminous effect. In addition to metal powder, drugs should also be added with substances that are easy to produce a large number of solid and liquid products. In this way, after the combustion of the agent, due to the existence of metal powder, it will produce higher temperature and greater brightness. When the solid and liquid residues cover the next layer of explosive to be burned, low temperature radiation will give people a sense of extinction. After the next layer of medicine is ignited, it will produce high temperature and greater brightness. Then cover the next layer of medicine with solid and liquid residues, and so on, there will be a phenomenon of one bright and one extinguished. We can take advantage of this pulsating phenomenon, such as snowflakes flying and red stars shining, and other fireworks products and various parts.
When large-scale fireworks and aerial fireworks produce fireworks effects, the linear distance from the audience's eyes is generally not less than tens of meters, or even hundreds of meters. If the light they produce is dim, they will not receive good results. This requires that these two types of fireworks should have a certain brightness in addition to the correct light color. That is to say, in addition to obtaining a flame with high color purity, it is also necessary to use the luminous effect of chemicals to make the flame have a bright effect. In order to obtain a beautiful and bright flame, a certain amount of metal powder must be added.