Pizhou rural customs: young men and women are engaged: thousands to tens of thousands of weddings should be booked for the woman; Then transfer the deed: in addition to giving the woman more sets of clothes, there are also red envelopes: the amount is higher than the engagement gift; On the wedding day; The man will give you a parting gift: hundreds of thousands; Wedding ceremony: hundreds of thousands; Adoption ceremony: hundreds of thousands; Bridge crossing ceremony: hundreds of thousands; When you arrive at the door of the man's house, you have to get off hundreds to thousands of sedan chairs; Your in-laws will also give you red envelopes when they go to church, and everyone will give you hundreds to thousands; The custom of toasting couples at the wedding banquet is the same as in the city: you should toast as many key people as possible, and it is best to get him drunk! On the morning after the wedding, you should get up early to offer tea to your in-laws: You'd better kneel down and say that your parents invite you to tea, and your in-laws will give you a big red envelope when they finish tea! If your husband's aunt, uncle and other close relatives come, you should also give them a toast and they should also give you a red envelope. You calculate: how many red envelopes do you have to receive for a wedding! Previous engagement, transfer, getting on the sedan chair, getting off the sedan chair, etc. They are all wanted by the bride all over the sky to see the financial situation of her husband's family. Now, the amount is agreed by the young couple in advance.