? In this green season, we heard the voice of bloom. We dance in the garden and let our dreams fly. On the morning of June 1 1, the children of Class 4 and Class 3 held a demonstration class of the achievements of our traditional festival comprehensive practice activities in the experimental middle school.
? First of all, I led the children to review the previous activities: before the investigation, the students learned about the significance and customs of our traditional festivals, chose their favorite festivals, made an activity plan, and prepared for the field trip.
Then the children follow the pace of the festival to investigate and study the Spring Festival, Lantern Festival, Dragon Boat Festival and so on. In the project generation class, through field investigation, students ask questions of interest, determine research topics and complete team building. Make an activity plan, design a portfolio, send a letter of appointment to the teacher, and set up eight research groups. In the problem communication class, the children collected a lot of information and sorted it out, put forward and solved the confusion, and further completed a good activity plan.
Next, we will show our achievements. This time, we will show the crane group. Their topic is: investigation and study of Dragon Boat Festival.
"A zongzi and a heart, I wish you all the best; A zongzi is a feeling, I wish you a good mood every day! " In the poetic commentary, the achievement display of Xianhe Group kicked off. They reported the topic together and exhaled slogans. Zhang Yuxiang is the commentator of this group. How do the team members share the story of Dragon Boat Festival? Zhao Siyuan explained the types and shapes of zongzi; Xu Mengyao talked about the sachet of the Dragon Boat Festival; You want to talk about colored ropes. Each student explained clearly with pictures and texts. Siyuan Zhao shared his experience in comprehensive practical activities. Xu Mengyao suggested that everyone: bring children to wrap zongzi and tie colorful ropes during the Dragon Boat Festival; Thrift for holidays, not extravagance and waste; Civilized travel, etc.
? Finally, Xianhe Group ended the exhibition with a nursery rhyme "Zong Zong Ge".
This comprehensive practical activity has made me gain a lot, and I have seen the efforts and efforts of the comprehensive partners along the way. At the same time, I also saw the children's efforts, carefulness, persistence and courage in the integration activities. This stage of comprehensive activities provides a place for children to show themselves. We not only exercised our children, but also gave every teacher a chance to grow up. May we keep moving forward on the road of comprehensive practical activities and soar together!