(1) Etiquette for entering the restaurant
When entering the main entrance of the restaurant, men should let women in first and close the door lightly. When you enter a restaurant, you will generally be guided by a welcome waiter (with a seat). If there is no guidance, the man should clear the way to find a table and take care of the lady to sit first. All subsequent dining matters should be arranged by men or guests through consultation; Men should take off their hats when they enter the restaurant, but women don't have to; If you want to take off your coat or overcoat, the man should help the woman take it off first, and then take it off himself.
(2) the etiquette of sitting.
1 Find the right location. When men and women eat together, the man must be responsible for finding empty seats, or you can find a waiter to arrange it. If a single man comes to dinner alone, he should try to avoid sitting at a table next to a strange lady.
2 wait for the meal. When there is no room in the restaurant and you are sure to eat here, you have to wait for dinner. Hotels with good conditions generally have a waiting area with seats in the restaurant, and diners should wait in order. But small restaurants have no waiting area, so pay attention to your manners: don't give any hints to diners waiting for tables; Don't stare at each other's eating movements; Don't put your hand or bag on the other person's chair, don't step on his chair, and don't get too close to others; Don't talk loudly or chat with your partner. Of course, as a person who is eating, he should also be considerate of the diners.
③ Sit down. Men and women can eat together, and the seats can be chosen by men, but at the same time, the opinions of women should be sought. Usually the most convenient seats should be reserved for women, and the relationship between men and women should be considered. If there are several ladies, please try to arrange their male partners to sit on their left. When the lady is seated, the man should pull the chair for her, and then sit down after the lady is seated. On more formal occasions, if a lady leaves temporarily, when she comes back, the man should stand up respectfully and pull a chair for her. Figure 8 Give way
(3) the etiquette of ordering food
When eating out, whether you treat or invite yourself, you should order. There are three points to pay attention to when ordering.
(1) Live within your means. Try not to overspend or waste. To do this, first, don't go to high-end restaurants easily, or order high-end dishes for every meal. Second, you should know how to match when ordering, moderate but not excessive. Third, don't treat guests indiscriminately, and don't mistake "eating and drinking" for the theme of social entertainment. Fourthly, the "AA system" is advocated in daily dinners, that is, the dinner expenses are shared by everyone, and everyone is responsible for their share.
② Mutual understanding. When having a social dinner, both the host and the host should be considerate and considerate of each other when ordering. The host can neither be too diligent nor too stingy. The invited party, while losing self-esteem, must not have the mentality of "don't eat for nothing" and "kill" the host with mercy. There are two feasible ways for the host to order food: one is to order a set meal or a table on the hour, because the cost is fixed and the grade and quantity of dishes are relatively fixed, so it saves time and trouble. The second is zero, that is, ordering food temporarily on the spot. The advantage is that it has great freedom and can take into account personal financial resources and tastes. However, no matter how the host orders, he should try to solicit the opinions of the invited guests, especially the guests, and not just act according to personal preferences. Of course, there is no need to "punch a swollen face and fill a fat man" and repeatedly ask the other party to "casually" and "let go". When ordering food, the invitee should do the following: first, don't order anything, or even know what it is. Second, don't order more famous and expensive dishes, so the host will spend too much money. Third, don't be picky or critical about the dishes ordered by others or served by everyone. Don't say that you are "not used to eating" or "not doing well". The wisest way for the invitee to order food is to tell the host that he has no special requirements and let the other party make a decision. Second, order an inexpensive dish first, and then ask others to go to their own places, which not only meets the requirements of the host, but also avoids arranging everything for others.
3 considerate. Don't take too long to order, and don't discuss it repeatedly, lest the waiter stand for too long and affect the reception of other guests. When ordering food, you should consider the following situations: First, order local dishes. When entertaining foreigners, we should first choose representative dishes with China characteristics; When entertaining foreigners, try to arrange some dishes with local characteristics. The second is to order the housekeeping dishes of this restaurant. When ordering food in a well-known restaurant, try to arrange its housekeeping dishes, because people usually go alone, otherwise the invited people may have opinions. When ordering food, we should also take into account the dietary taboos of the guests, especially the dietary taboos of the host and guest. Taboos to be considered in diet are: First, religious taboos. You should understand this, otherwise making an exception rashly will bring great trouble. Second, local taboos. Dietary preferences in different regions are often different, which should be taken into account. The third is the occupational taboo. Some professions have special taboos in catering for some reasons. If civil servants are not allowed to eat while performing official duties, they are not allowed to be invited; Eating and drinking are not allowed at formal banquets. Generally speaking, eating is not allowed to exceed the national standards, and alcoholic drinks are not allowed. For another example, drivers are not allowed to drink alcohol during work. If we ignore this point, it is not only disrespectful to each other, but also may make them make mistakes and get into trouble. The fourth is personal taboo. For various reasons, some people often have some special dietary requirements, such as not eating beef and mutton, not eating animal offal, not eating seafood, not eating peppers and so on. , should pay full attention to, don't knowingly or make irresponsible remarks.
(4) Dining etiquette
① Pay attention to the civilized use of tableware. Don't beat any tableware with chopsticks while waiting for dinner. When eating Chinese food with chopsticks, don't wave wildly on the food, don't poke the food with chopsticks, don't put chopsticks in your mouth, don't let soup drip, don't stir the food with chopsticks, don't use chopsticks as toothpicks, don't point at others with chopsticks, and use public chopsticks when picking up food for others. Leave the table temporarily during dinner, and you can't put chopsticks in your rice bowl; When you need to use a spoon, you should put down your chopsticks first. Napkins should be placed flat on your thighs, not around your neck or folded around your waist. When you leave the table halfway, you can put your napkin on the chair instead of the table. Napkins can be used to wipe your mouth, but not your hands, face, tableware, glasses, etc. The tableware of western food is more complicated than that of Chinese food. Tableware should be selected from outside to inside in the order of serving. Usually the fork is placed on the left side of the plate, and the knife and spoon are placed on the right side. Don't make a loud noise when eating with a knife and fork. Use a fork to shovel the cut food, not a knife. Pay attention to the direction of knife and fork and the use of spoon.
Pay attention to your eating habits. In the west, the way a person eats can show whether he is polite or not more than almost anything else, so eating must be elegant. Don't wolf down your food. Don't import too much food at a time. Divide it into small pieces. When tasting the food and drink you have eaten, chew slowly and keep your mouth shut to avoid making noise. Don't suck hard when drinking soup. If the soup is too hot, wait a while or stir it with a spoon. Don't blow with your mouth. Once food or drink is eaten, it is generally not appropriate to spit it out unless it is residue such as bones and fishbones. When dealing with bone spurs, don't spit directly. Cover your mouth with a napkin and take it out with the tableware and put it on your plate. Don't put it on the table or spit on the ground. Don't open your mouth when you have food in your mouth. If someone asks questions, you can wait until the food is swallowed. In the process of eating, don't stare at the dishes all the time, show greed, and don't be picky about common dishes or cling to your favorite dishes. Don't eat standing. If you can't get food by sitting, please ask someone else to pass it.
③ Pay attention to the section. Don't pick your teeth in public while eating. If you need to pick your teeth, cover your mouth with your hand or napkin. You shouldn't spit when picking. When eating, especially when eating with people you just met or the opposite sex, try not to decorate, such as combing your hair, putting on makeup, taking off your clothes, shoes, socks, cuffs and ties. If necessary, you can go to the bathroom to do these things. If you don't clear your throat, blow your nose, spit, cough, burp or sneeze in public, you should avoid people's eyes and ears. Such behavior is not only unsightly, but also appetizing. Try not to smoke while eating. If you really can't help it, you must get the consent of the lady at the same table, especially those who have the habit of smoking while eating. Don't put the ash horizontally on the plate, lest it fall into the plate. Don't be reluctant to make a toast at the table, or you will lose control and get drunk. Faulkner, a Nobel Prize in Literature winner and American writer, said that wine is the art of distillation, but this art of distillation often makes many people lose their manners after drinking wine; Wine can keep things, but not secrets. Therefore, drinking can neither make others lose their manners nor make themselves lose their manners. When toasting each other, you should pay attention to knock gently, so as to make a sound and not damage the cups. When pouring wine for others, be sure to fill it up, but don't spill it. If someone offers himself food or wine and wants to refuse, he should politely refuse.
(4) Etiquette in conversation. It is impolite to sit still and say nothing while eating. Rice is for eating and is an important way of communication. After American etiquette, Park Aimei once said that there is an unbreakable rule of etiquette, and you must talk to your neighbor at the dinner table. Of course, we cannot talk about everything. The first thing to talk about should be pleasant, healthy and interesting. It is the most impolite to criticize the service and the quality of the food in the restaurant, which obviously shows that you hate a certain dish, or disgusting animals, sensory disgusting things, diseases between yourself and others, making fun of others, and even having an argument. Secondly, talk to as many people as possible, and only talk to one or two old acquaintances from beginning to end. It seems impolite not to be interested in other guests. Third, the volume of conversation should be moderate. The voice at the dinner table is not elegant, but it can't be too small. It is also impolite to approximate a whisper to give people the feeling of whispering. If it is really inconvenient to say it publicly, then find another suitable occasion to say it. It is also inappropriate to chew food while talking or laughing, and to wave chopsticks and knives and forks while talking.
5 checkout etiquette. If someone is the host, the host will naturally pay the bill. Before paying the bill, the host should ask everyone if they are eating well and whether they want to add more food. It's best to avoid others when paying the bill, so as not to burden others. Friends have dinner together. If there is no host, they should discuss it in advance to avoid competing with each other when checking out. If it is "AA system", it is best for one of them to collect all the money and settle the bill together. Usually, men pay for meals for men and women. If the woman insists on paying the bill herself, she should pay her share first, and then it's the man's turn to pay the bill. However, it should be noted that you must clean your mouth before paying after eating.
(5) Politeness after dinner
Whether to leave the restaurant after eating should generally be prompted by the lady or the host. If several ladies are having dinner, older or distinguished ladies should signal. The man can persuade the woman to stay a little longer, but not too reluctantly.
When you leave, say goodbye to the familiar guests who are still eating. If you don't know the guests at the same table, you don't have to say anything.
When you stand up, the man should get up first and pull the chair for the lady. A woman should thank the waiter first, and then the man.
Before leaving the restaurant, the man should put on his coat before helping the lady, but be careful not to move too much and get covered in dust when wearing the coat.