It's called "head" in Minnan dialect. When a man and a woman meet for the first time, it is called meeting for the first time. Friends and relatives of both sides should give gifts to each other, and the host family should cook brown sugar noodle soup to entertain the guests, which seems welcome and auspicious. In some places, a boiled red egg will be added to show the kindness of the host. In addition, the first time a daughter returns to her mother's house after marriage is called the first guest, and parents and family members will hold a banquet to entertain her daughter and son-in-law.
Minnan dialect is called "Shuang" or homophonic "Zi". If the bride and groom are young, it is called "eighteen twenty-two, the teenager was there". In addition, when preparing small red envelopes, you have to wait for two or twelve. When preparing a dowry, you should prepare a pair of things, such as a pair of embroidered pillows. The so-called "one pair will make you rich for thousands of years."
Homophonic with "shirt", there is a saying in marriage customs that "rudeness is impossible", which means that things must be determined. At the banquet, a wine festival was held to show its grandeur.
It is homophonic with "death", but there is a saying of "good four" in southern Fujian, which means that the momentum is good and things are smooth and satisfactory. Four is a good sign. Red envelopes, the number of dowry pieces and the wedding date are not taboo to bring four.
Homophonic with "mistake", May is the month when Qu Yuan threw himself into the river; "Seven" is related to the custom of making "the first seven" seven days after the death of Minnan people, while July is related to the Ghost Festival Purdue Moon set up in Li Shimin, so few people get married in these two months.
The homonym for "Lu" has always been "369, every day", but the weather in June of the lunar calendar is hot and few people get married, so wait until after August. Because Minnan people are "good? 1? 7 Common frame protection? Hey, guys, right? The lawsuit spoon collapsed? Una? Take litigation risks. Take the risk? Turbulent strings? Mao Suyue asked Fu to throw evil elements and Fu Na? Grab the boat and leave the boat? Send a "k" ├? What happened to the hospital? Yin? 1? seven
Homophonic with "dog" In the Hakka areas in the west of southern Fujian, the pronunciation of "nine" is similar to that of "dragon", so there are 999 yuan as gifts, 99 kilograms of pork, 99 kilograms of flour and 9,19,29 red envelopes, which means everlasting.