As far as I know, it is generally necessary to hold a banquet at the woman's house and invite the villagers and friends to get together for dinner. Moreover, the cost of this banquet is paid by the woman's house, but the man's house also has to give some money. This is the banquet of the woman's family, and there is also the question of gift money. The amount of gifts in different periods is different. Five or six years ago, the man usually gave five or six thousand yuan, but now because of the improvement of living standards, it is generally less than 10 thousand yuan. Most of the women's families use this money to buy dowry (such as TV, electric motorcycle and some quilts). In fact, to tell the truth, because the living standards of both men and women are generally good, the so-called gift money is only a matter of face. The more the man gives, the greater the face of the woman's parents. In fact, the woman's parents basically don't need much money.
Married, congratulations ~ ~