The animation tells the story of a group of carefree little white sheep, clever pleasant goat, beautiful and lovely beautiful sheep, lazy and gluttonous lazy sheep, reckless and upright boiling sheep and honest and quiet Jonie, who live a happy life together. At the other end of the forest, there lived the wicked and cunning Wolf and his wife Kotaro.
Every day, the wolf goes to the sheep village to catch sheep. Yangcun was heavily guarded. He thought of various ways and invented many strange tools. However, in the end, he was always frustrated by the clever lamb.
Classic Quotations from Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf
1, success is 99% genius plus 1% effort.
2. Pleasant Goat: "Grey Wolf gets better, what will happen to you?" Lazy sheep: "It's sad because it's not fun."
3. The Wolf: A man is a gentleman, and you can't let your wife be scared.
Monitor, look how determined I am.
5. Kotaro: "Grey Wolf, you idiot, with a big mouth, a round head and ugly face, you have no money at home. When I was really blind, I found you, an idiot who couldn't even catch a sheep. "
6. Big Wolf: Heroes don't rely on a lot of energy, but also take care of people around them.
I don't want to be a colonel. Can I be the monitor of the cooking class?