Small process: the elders of both sides meet-give gifts-get engaged, and the man arranges the banquet-then arrange the wedding according to the specific situation-invite the matchmaker to dinner the night before the wedding, which is quite grand, (now free love, this link is gradually cancelled)-pick up the bride (the banquet can't be done until the man's uncle and master arrive, the first wedding reception is at noon, and the remarried person is at night, which is quite obvious).
Daughter-in-law should receive a cup of tea and give red envelopes to the children who serve tea. After that, the husband and wife should feed each other dumplings.
In some rural areas, people are only willing to give red envelopes when they salute their uncles and other elders, and friends next to them will flirt with the groom, but now they all form an offensive and defensive alliance, which is rare, let alone in hotels.