The man paid for the banquet. Although the wedding customs vary from place to place, most of them are the money for the wedding banquet of the man's family. But now, due to work and local customs, many people hold banquets at weddings, that is, one for the man's family and one for the woman's family. Generally speaking, the money for the banquet hosted by the woman's family is also paid by the man.
The custom of receiving gifts at wedding banquets is to attend weddings. Gifts from relatives and friends of the man's family were given to the man, and the woman's family received gifts from relatives and friends of the woman's family who attended the wedding banquet.
The two sides held a banquet together. Sometimes the man's family financial conditions are not very good, but he is very concerned about the woman. If he has the ability, the woman may consider paying for the banquet together. The specific commitment of both parties to the banquet expenses will be discussed in detail. Generally, when preparing a banquet, both parties will say it or write it down to avoid problems at the wedding reception.
In short, the money for the wedding banquet is generally paid by the man and also borne by * * *. The specific cost of the banquet depends on your marriage. The budget has been made, and the amount of wedding money is related to many factors, such as hotel specifications and different dishes.