There is nothing wrong with playing suona at a village funeral: everyone in Shili Baxiang knows which old man died to remind people to show respect for the deceased. Neighbors nearby will send books recorded at the funeral of their elders to see if they have counted them at home. If they have to return them (generally speaking), they can only have more money than others.
Funerals usually last for three days. Usually, on the last day, Master Suona will be invited to play funeral music. When going out for burial, there are trumpets, plates, plates and knockers to welcome the coffin and hold a funeral. In the case of a big family, there are hundreds of welcoming crowns, which are received on the streets of small towns every time. This exaggerated work is actually unsuccessful. Originally, the funeral was a little sad, so it is best to provide a good atmosphere and comfort for the deceased. The last trip was when relatives came to see him off. It didn't look cold, which increased his sadness. Funeral is slow and depressing, which will infect the emotions of people around you! This is a prayer: I want to cry when I hear it! Cooperate with other musical instruments! The funeral was lively and there was no confrontation.
With the improvement of living standards, funeral music has also changed. Music and keyboard music are added to the only original instrument. Even some local elderly people later invited the performance team to perform vulgar programs at the funeral, and the makeup was fascinating. Have a bad influence on children. At funerals in refugee camps, people think of the dead, which is an inherited tradition and a part of China's traditional culture. In the process of development, we should go to the flashy era, keep up with the times and promote the construction of spiritual civilization in rural areas.