Note symbols: notation uses numbers to represent notes, where 1 stands for Do(C) of bass, 2 stands for Re(D) of bass, 3 stands for Mi(E) of bass, and so on. High notes are represented by the same numbers, except that a dot is added to the numbers.
Interval symbol: notation uses horizontal and vertical lines to represent intervals. The horizontal line indicates the duration of the note, and the vertical line indicates the height of the note.
Here is a simple example to help you understand how to read music:
1. First, we need to know the melody of this song. You can listen with your ears or find a simple music score. ?
2. Then, we began to read music. Suppose the first sound of the song is the bass Do(C), then we will use the number 1
3. If the second sound of the song is the bass of Sol(G), then we use the number 5 to represent it.
4. The rhythm between notes can be represented by horizontal lines. If two notes have the same rhythm, you can draw a horizontal line between them to connect them.
5. If there are high-pitched notes, you can add a dot above the number. Through the above steps, you can begin to know simple songs. Remember, notation is a simple and easy-to-learn music notation system. With practice and familiarity, you will become more and more proficient.