Motel 168 Anyuan Road Store has 388 rooms, of which 160 are characteristic duplex rooms. Four fully transparent sightseeing ladders filed up and down, creating a star-rated hotel atmosphere for our store. Rooms are equipped with wireless wired Internet access, domestic and international direct dial telephone, video-on-demand system and up to 40 cable TV program channels.
Meilinge Restaurant, which is quite famous in Shanghai, will also provide you with pure Meilinge innovative food on the second floor of our store. About 300 seats, four business banquets and wedding banquets provide elegant and festive dining places. Merrill Lynch Kitchen provides simple, affordable and delicious dishes for business travelers who like popular tastes. It is also the designated dining place for buffet breakfast, providing dozens of buffet dishes, snacks and drinks with Chinese and Western tastes.
Motel 168 Anyuan Road Store will create a real travel home for you.
In fact, the national economic chain hotels are almost the same!