How many days are there from 202 1.2. 10 to 2022.9. 10?
Hello, what you want to ask is: what is the date of 202 1 to September 2022? 2021February 2022 10 to September 10 is 578 days. 2021February 10 to February 28th are 19 days, March, May, July, August, 10, 12 are all 3 1 day, April, 6. 30 times 4 is 120 days. March, May, July and August in 2022 are 1 day, February is 28 days, April and June are 30 days, and September is 10 day. 3 1 times 5 is 155 days, 30 times 2 is 60 days,19+186+28+120+10+155.