In Laizhou wedding custom, when men and women are engaged, they should give each other clever cakes. The man gave the woman twenty peaches made of dough, and the woman left ten, and then returned four pairs, six pairs, eight pairs and ten pairs of dragons, phoenixes, mandarin ducks, goldfish, lions, bergamot and butterflies to the man. This kind of Joe's uncle is big, about a foot long, and there are small noodles made of hot noodles inside, called "jujube flower", which also means early fruit. When getting married, relatives and friends will send wedding cakes to congratulate them. Generally, there are 12 to 16 wedding cakes. Aunt, uncle, aunt and other close relatives will send eight peach-shaped cakes, including Yuanyang, Magpie, the Eight Immortals and Shuang Yan. When getting married, the bride's house should be a pair of piglets, symbolizing a fat pig arch, a pair of fish, a pair of wealth, a pair of mandarin ducks, symbolizing love and growing old together, tied together with red lines and placed in the washbasin, implying lifelong companionship. Yuanyang will be eaten by her son-in-law after marriage, and will bring back pigs, noodles, steamed stuffed buns and wealth when she returns to her parents' house. "Richness" refers to the length of the plate, which is full of boys, dragons and phoenixes, flowers and other flowers. , indicating that the family has money. In the sedan chair where the bride rides, and in the box where the bride marries, all kinds of Kobanawa cakes should be placed. In many places, in addition to throwing peanuts, chestnuts, walnuts and other fruits when newcomers enter the bridal chamber, various animal-shaped noodles are hidden in bedding, cabinets and dowry. In the evening, people come to congratulate them on "making trouble in the bridal chamber" and let the children secretly look around as a symbol of good luck.
In rural areas, there is a custom of offering noodles flowers in production activities such as beams and columns. When building a new house in Laizhou area, in order to get lucky, flowers such as tigers, sacred insects, dragons and phoenixes, lions closing doors and pig arches should be worshipped to symbolize "the dragon looks up", "the phoenix falls into a treasure land" and the prosperity of the family business. Some "Shengchong", a flour flower enshrined on the building beam, weighs more than ten kilograms and has a huge shape, which is full of various small flour flowers. In addition to big bugs, they also make animal faces with different shapes, such as lions and pigs. When placing the sacrifice, the lion's head is facing outwards. The local people say that it is lucky for the lion to close the door-the head is outward and the fat pig arches its head inward. The pork noodles in the offering are also kneaded. The pig face made of flour should be short and fat, otherwise the pig face will not look good. In addition, hundreds of cookies with different patterns will be steamed out and scattered to the villagers when the beam is on.