We need to open the audio-visual X9 software first, find the template interface, and select a template. Audio and video x7 comes with many templates. Templates can also be downloaded from the Internet and imported by others. I take the template that comes with audio and video as an example.
At this time, select the template on the right as shown in the figure, and the left window can be played, preview the effect, and find the template you want to use.
Then, after we find the template to use, hold down the left mouse button and drag it to the video track for editing, as shown in the figure.
At this time, we find the photos to be replaced in the template in the superimposed trajectory, click the right mouse button, select the replacement materials and photos, and replace them with the pictures you want, as shown in the following figure:
Then we replace all the photos to be replaced in the template with our own, and so do the words. Double-click the subtitle to be changed in the subtitle track and edit it directly, as shown in the figure.
After all contents are replaced and edited, click Output, set parameters, and generate the produced video. As shown in the figure:
Sound and Shadow X9|