Huangshan wedding service outdoor
Generally, the weather and temperature on weekends are suitable for mountaineering, and the beds on Huangshan Mountain are very tight. Of course, this has something to do with cost. There are more tourists going up the mountain at eleven o'clock on such holidays. It is impossible to stay in the hotel as usual. Many tourists are eager to eat, because most of the food they eat and the gas used for cooking are picked by those hard porters. First, line up from the mountain root to take the bus → Huangshanmen. It takes about 4 hours to get to Guangmingding by cable car (or on foot), and it may take more time to go up the mountain by cable car, so it depends on the luck of mud to live in a tent or rent a bed. Living in the mountains now is also a matter of temperature. It is suggested that mud arrange the time reasonably and make a good choice.