Peas are also called wheat peas, cold beans, wheat beans, snow beans, peas, hemp, national beans, Dutch beans and so on, and there are many kinds. From the edible point of view, it can be divided into seed use (that is, eating pea seeds), pod use (that is, eating pea pods) and leaf use (that is, eating pea leaves, also known as pea tips). You should eat peas for the pods. There are two kinds of peas in Dali, one is relatively small, about 5 cm long, and the beans in the pod are also very small; The other one is bigger, 15 cm long, and the beans in the pod are also bigger. But the beans in both pods are round.
If the beans in the pod are oval or rectangular, they are sword beans. The pod is shaped like a knife, hence the name sword bean. When planted in March, vines can grow to one or two feet long, with leaves like cowpea leaves, but slightly longer and larger than cowpea leaves. In May and June, purple bloom looks like a moth and bears pods. Its pods are nearly a foot long, a bit like acacia.
In recent years, great changes have taken place in rural life. Most families no lon