One of the five ancient rites. That is, sacrificial activities to gods, territories, people and ghosts. Such as suburbs, roads, Daxiangmingtang, offering sacrifices to the sun and moon, big wax, offering sacrifices to the country, mountains and rivers, native land, ancestral silkworms, offering sacrifices to the Temple of Heaven, heroes and heroes, offering sacrifices to the mausoleum, offering sacrifices to the first emperor, offering sacrifices to Confucius, patrolling the customs and Zen, and offering sacrifices to Gao.
2. gifts
Li Jia is one of the Five Rites in the Western Zhou Dynasty, and Li Jia is a ceremonial ceremony in wedding banquets and festivals. Jia means beauty and kindness. It is also a gift for future generations of emperors to ascend to the throne, the empress dowager to hang the curtain, the emperor's Christmas, the establishment of the national treasury and the emperor's inspection.
3. Li Bin
In ancient times, there was a ritual of courtship, which was a ritual ceremony in which the emperor hosted four courtiers and sent envoys to meet the king of Zhou.
4. military salute
The military ceremony mainly includes the master's ceremony, the general's ceremony, the field ceremony, the war ceremony and the national seal ceremony. The master's ceremony is the ceremony of army conquest; The ceremony of "great equality" is that the king and vassals hold a military review when sharing land and collecting taxes to appease the people.
5. Fierce ceremony
This is a gift of mourning, sympathy and worry. Its main contents are: mourning, mourning ceremony, mourning disaster, mourning defeat and confusion.
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