Wedding lighting cad
Yes, I am a girl, too. I learned all this when I was at school, more than you did. I remember PS, flash, CAD, database, web page making. Later, I entered the company and started as an assistant, learning a lot of software that I couldn't learn in school before. I have worked for four years and now I am the head of a department. Actually, I think you should not only have knowledge, but also be eager to learn. Ask if you don't understand, and don't be afraid of being called stupid. I remember when I first started working, my colleagues around me called me an alien because I didn't know anything. You need to know how to do things. You are not afraid to do something wrong. You should learn from your experience and do better next time. Write down what to do every day in your notebook every morning. Do one thing well, don't give up halfway. Think of yourself as a leader and find yourself something to do. After a long time, you will really become a leader.