However, do a good job in the prelude to the ceremony. When welcoming guests, the bride and groom should stand at the door with flowers in their hands and don't walk back and forth. When the guests arrive, they should be warmly welcomed and thanked, introduced to the elders or other guests at home in time, and then offered their seats in turn according to their elders or generations. For the red envelopes given by the guests at this time, no matter whether the gifts are light or heavy, the bride and groom should express their gratitude equally. Offer cigarettes and tea in both hands and light a fire for the elders or peers who smoke.
Speaking on the stage, I summed up some typical and festive words according to my own experience in attending friends' ceremonies, and said to everyone: Life can have several most unforgettable and happiest moments, and today I really feel extremely excited, extremely happy and unforgettable from my heart. Today, I married the person I love most. Our elders, relatives, close friends and leaders came from afar to attend our wedding celebration, which brought joy, joy and sincere wishes to today's wedding. Taking this opportunity, let's sincerely thank our parents who raised us, our leaders for their concern and our friends for their blessings. On the wedding day, I let everyone witness my promise to my wife: I will love my wife for life and create a happy life for her! !
Secondly, we talked and laughed during the dinner: we should be sincere and humble when talking to our elders, and we should not talk nonsense; Speak warmly and politely with peers, and pay attention to humility; Don't stop laughing and don't be silent; Be warm and friendly to the younger generation.
After the wedding reception: when the guests leave, the bride and groom should stand at the door, shake hands with the guests and say "thank you for coming" and "please walk slowly".
Anyway, as the protagonist, you don't have to worry too much, because it is a wedding banquet, even if some naughty "little ideas" appear in the process, it will only make the people present happier and more dedicated!