Flowers and fleshy diy personal tailor bridal headdress and fleshy diy personal tailor bridal headdress
Materials: comb, flowers, succulents, air pineapple, brass thread, garden thread, sharp scissors, flat pliers.
1. Choose two flowers with different colors and shapes as the head flower. First, cut off the long stems at the bottom of the flowers with sharp scissors.
2. For succulents, pink anemones are paired with flowers, and the tops of leaves are cut off.
3. Because succulents are very delicate, it is difficult to fix them on the hair as headdresses, so flowers, succulents and air pineapples are all designed with the help of combs, then tied to the combs and put on their heads, which can be perfectly shaped and not easy to fall off.
4. Cut a section of the garden line and pass through the bottom of the air pineapple.
5. Fix the garden line between the comb teeth with air pineapple.
6. Similarly, pass the round thread through the flower bottom, fix it between the comb teeth and snuggle up next to the air pineapple.
7. In the same way, succulents are also fixed on the comb, thus basically completing the shape of the flower head.
8. Finally, make the finishing point of decoration, bend brass wires into delicate hexagons, waves and spirals, or any complex graphics.
9. Copper wire decoration is also a small copper wire fitting fixed between comb teeth, between flowers and plants, and embellished with headdress, which also plays an auxiliary role in strengthening flowers.
10. Customize the perfect and personalized bridal headdress with your favorite flowers and succulents.