morphological character
Climbing shrubs, epiphytic on trees or stones; Active roots on stem nodes. The leaves are opposite, fleshy, ovoid to ovoid-oblong, 3.5- 12 cm long and 3-4.5 cm wide, with obtuse top and rounded base; Lateral veins are not obvious, about 4 pairs.
Cymes umbrella-shaped, axillary, about 30 flowers; Flowers white, 2 cm in diameter; Corolla radial, corolla tube short, glabrous outside lobes, with many papillae inside; The corona is star-shaped, with an acute external angle, the middle part of the ridge is raised, and the edge is inverted to form 1 stomata, with an acute internal angle and upright; Pollen blocks per room 1, with slender and transparent sides.
Gracilaria is linear and smooth, 7.5- 10 cm long; The top of the seed has white filamentous seed hair. The flowering period is from April to June, and the fruiting period is from July to August.