When laying a new bed in a new house, people with children and grandchildren should be chosen to handle it. After making the bed, they will sing four sentences: "Riji, heaven and earth are open, the bed is fixed, and the husband and wife are long." On the wedding night, firecrackers make trouble in the new house. Three days later, the bride went back to her family to visit relatives, commonly known as "returning to the door." Poor families can't afford a daughter-in-law because of financial difficulties, so they find a girl of a few years old and even bring back a baby girl to raise it, commonly known as a "child bride." When I was a child, when I grew up, I asked the Yin and Yang teachers to choose a good day, put on new clothes, go to class to worship an ancestor, burn incense and light candles, and invite some relatives and friends and neighbors to hold two or three simple banquets. After completing the marriage rules, we got married.
Before the Republic of China, under the constraints of feudal ethics, family rules and family laws, the wife could not continue to get married until one or two years after her death. When a man marries a girl, all the rituals are the same as when he first married. For example, he married a divorced widow who remarried or lost her husband. When a woman got married, she was not allowed to go out through the gate. She had to go out through a side door or a small door in the middle of the night to write an engagement. It's ominous to avoid people. After the marriage, the man prepares a banquet to entertain relatives and friends at the woman's house. In order to thank the matchmaker, he must send a pair of capons and a pig head as a bride price.
If the husband and wife have only one daughter, considerable family wealth and no suitable heir, they will choose the son-in-law as their son-in-law, commonly known as "going to the house." In the past, men who lived in houses were despised. When "adopting", it is just like a son's responsibility to make an agreement with the family elders to let the Yue family live and die. A child born cannot take his father's surname.
After liberation, the old rules and regulations were abolished, the wedding ceremony was simple, and the wedding ceremony was advocated without dowry. Cadres and workers get married, and hold group weddings or travel weddings on meaningful festivals. Just prepare simple sweets and biscuits and have a tea party to entertain them as a gesture of friendship. After the 1980 s, the bad habit of getting married and talking about property gradually became popular. Some young men and women get married in the countryside, and their parents charge the man 300 500 yuan or even 800 yuan, and also send gifts such as chickens, ducks, wine, meat, rice and biscuits. In addition, the woman also wants wardrobe, bicycle, sewing machine, TV set and other items. It costs thousands of dollars to hold a big banquet, pick up the bride by bike, drive a tractor to deliver dowry, and celebrate with lion and dragon dances. Families with financial difficulties have to go into debt in order to get married. It costs a lot of money for young people in towns to get married, equip them with cars or station wagons, and contract banquets in hotels and restaurants.