Rattan portrait
The rattan figure painting is as follows:

1. First, draw a long curve on the paper with a green marker to represent the main branches of Hua Teng.

2. Draw two spiral curves at the ends of branches, indicating that vines are winding at the ends of Hua Teng.

3. Draw two spiral curves on the left side of vine.

4. Draw two transition curves at the lower end of the main branch.

5. Draw a few small circles among the vines to represent the flower core.

6. Draw five connected arcs around each flower core to represent the petals, and Hua Teng completes the painting.

The role of vines

1. Gardening decoration: Vines are rich in shapes and colors, which can provide beautiful decorative effects for courtyards and gardens. They can climb up walls, scaffolding, flower stands, etc. to form beautiful green screens or shady spaces.

2. Food source: The roots, stems, leaves and flowers of some vines can be used as food sources. For example, Radix Puerariae and Flos Puerariae Lobatae can be used as Chinese medicinal materials, and can also be made into Ge Fen, pueraria lobata slices, pueraria lobata strips and other foods.

3. Medicinal value: Many lianas have medicinal value, such as tripterygium wilfordii, ivy, humulus scandens, etc. The extracts or monomer components of these plants can be used to treat certain diseases or diseases.

Industrial use: Some vine fibers can be used to make rope, paper and textiles. For example, Manila hemp in Indonesia is a high-quality fiber source, which can be used to make boat cables, guitar strings and so on.

5. Ecological protection: Lianas play an important role in the ecosystem. They can prevent soil erosion, protect soil and provide support for other plants to climb.