Make sure that the wedding banquet package does not include cakes, cigarettes, wine, drinks, fruits, sweets, snacks, wine opening fees, etc. If not, you should be prepared in advance. Wedding banquets are usually booked one week in advance, and if they are good hotels, they should be booked several months in advance. The newlyweds determine the wedding guest list, which is conducive to better booking the table number. After the dishes are confirmed, then there are cigarettes, wine and drinks at the banquet, which are not provided by hotels in general, and newcomers have to buy them themselves. If you hold a bouquet alone, you should hold it in your left hand and put it in your right hand.
If you are holding a big bouquet, it is more appropriate to hold the flowers with both hands. At this time, the head should be straight, the shoulders droop naturally, the forearms bend naturally, and the flower tray should be placed above the abdomen with both hands, giving people a feeling of comfort, confidence and stability. Use your budget to find a hotel that can receive guests and choose a hotel that suits you. The consumption level of banquet packages in each hotel is different. It is best for newcomers to visit more hotels to learn about their general market and service quality, so as to know fairly well. Also pay attention to the hotel environment, location, parking space, package price, dishes and so on.
The above is Bian Xiao's detailed explanation of the problem. I hope it will help you. You can leave me a message in the comments section if you have any questions. If there is anything wrong, you can also interact with me more. If you like the author, you can also follow me. Your praise is the greatest help to me. Thank you.