Before the banquet, set the table and seats.
The position of the guest and the host of Chinese banquets and the seniority of all people are first reflected in the layout of the dining table. Any banquet of any specification, as long as it exceeds one table, will involve the number of tables.
Banquet table, square table and round table are all ok, but most of them are round tables. The reason is that the round table is convenient for everyone to eat and communicate, and it is also a metaphor of "perfection". The layout of the dining table depends on the size and structure of the room, and the position of the main table generally follows the rules of "right first", "middle first" and "far first". When there are only two tables at the banquet, the table facing the main entrance and on the right is the main table; When three or more tables are arranged in a straight line, the middle table is the main table; When more than three dining tables are arranged in parallel, the dining table facing the main entrance, farthest from the main entrance and in the middle of its row is the main table; When more than three tables are arranged in a circle, the middle table is the main table. For other dining tables, the farther away from the main entrance, the closer to the main table and the more to the right, the higher the number of tables. The neatly arranged dining table should ensure that the distance between every two dining tables is equal, the distance between every two seats is equal, and the specifications and placement positions of utensils and tablecloths on the dining table are consistent, so as to be unified.
After working for more than a month, I caught up with the New Year's Day dinner held by the company. The dinner was held in the company's multi-function hall, where there were more than a dozen round tables. Xiao Yang entered the hall with his colleagues. Xiaoyang first found a table in the middle, sat down in one of the seats, and then opened the chair beside him to greet his colleagues in the office. Colleagues waved to Xiao Yang not to sit idle. Xiaoyang looked at his colleague puzzled and stubbornly sat in his original seat. Just then, Xiao Yang's department manager came in. As soon as he saw Xiao Yang, he immediately smiled and said, "Hehe, Xiao Yang is quite a leader!" " It seems that you have a bright future in the future! "Xiao Yang realized that this big table in the middle belongs to the leaders. She quickly got up and left, but she couldn't erase the rash impression she left in the manager's eyes. Later, no matter how hard Xiaoyang tried, she was always assigned some trivial work, which made her very tired, but there was no room for development.
Don't sit around when attending a large banquet.
In the arrangement of seats, the general rule is to take the host as the center, starting from the right side of the host, and arrange the seats in turn according to position, status and relationship with the host. Children can sit next to their parents, ignoring the rules of seating arrangement. Every table prepared for guests should be seated by the host's representative, whose position is the same as or opposite to that of the host. Try to let the guests with similar status and personality hobbies sit together, without conflicts of interest and personal grievances, and disperse the guests who are familiar with each other among the guests to avoid some guests being left out in the cold.
If the banquet is small, it will be held in the lobby of a small restaurant. In this case, seats that are less disturbed, such as those near the wall and behind, are the most distinguished seats. On the contrary, the seats near the aisle are lower berth seats.
After taking a seat, follow the procedures and practices.
With the changes of the times, Chinese banquet is also changing slowly, and it is in line with internationalization, and gradually forms a unique banquet procedure.
Before the larger banquet begins, the host will greet the guests at the entrance of the restaurant, home or office. For distinguished guests, it is possible to have the host receptionist line up to welcome them. If you encounter such a scene, you must warmly say hello to the host and other greeting personnel, and never put on airs.
After entering the banquet hall, you must first find a seat according to your own identity, or determine the seat under the guidance of the receptionist. As an ordinary guest, you have to wait for the host and guests to sit down before you can sit down calmly.
Zhang Qian gave a bonus and called to invite Zheng Feng and other old classmates to a restaurant for dinner. Zhang Qian asked his old classmates to order, and Zheng Feng unceremoniously ordered several special dishes of this restaurant, all of which were the highest in price. He said: "It's rare to get together and get a bonus. Let's eat something good! " Zhang Qian's expression is cheerful, but his heart is very angry. Several other students ordered mid-range and low-priced dishes respectively, and said half jokingly and half critically, "Zheng Feng, you are not right!" "Lenovo to Zheng Feng always push to take off when in need of help, Zhang Qian invited Zheng Feng to dinner this time, and almost didn't take the initiative to contact Zheng Feng, because he felt that an old classmate who could only" kill "people would not be his good friend.
If the banquet is arranged temporarily, when the host asks the guests to order, neither wait for the most expensive dish, nor try not to order or order the cheapest dish. The dishes with moderate price and popular taste are your best choice. When others order, don't make suggestions or look around casually, showing impatience. Before serving, if the waiter presents a wet towel, don't wipe your face with it. Its use is limited to your hands and corners of your mouth. If you use it to wipe your eyelids and clean the table, it would be a big mistake.
The serving procedure of Chinese banquet will vary from place to place because of its characteristics, but the basic procedure is not much different. Usually cold dishes are served first, which is equivalent to appetizers in western food; Then there is the main course, which is usually a high-class famous dish; Then serve hot dishes of various quantities and colors; Next is the soup to adjust appetite; Finally, beets and supporting snacks; The fruit was delicious before the party ended. Salty before sweet, fried before burning, light before heavy, expensive before ordinary are the basic order of China banquet serving. As plates of delicious food are served, you can know roughly how far the party is going and estimate the end time of the party.
The significance of a banquet often lies not in tasting delicious food, but in communication and contact. So at the banquet, the host and guests will have a communication process. It is essential for the host to address the guests, which can be called the "highlight" of the banquet. Some will be arranged after the guests are seated, and some will be arranged after the hot dishes are finished. In the meantime, guests should stop their tableware, stop eating and drinking, and concentrate on the lecture. When the fruit is served, you should be ready to leave the table. When the host stands up after eating the fruit, the guests can start the "farewell action".
When saying goodbye, guests should not leave in a hurry, but should remain warm and calm and say goodbye to their hosts politely. If you meet new friends through this banquet, it is more appropriate to exchange contact information.