And whether it is comfortable to wear. The function of the bag doesn't need much. Therefore, the design should be very concise, and the use should not be too fancy. The carrying system of the small satchel consists of a belt and a coaster. Comfortable bag, its strap, belt and back pad are thick and wide, and can be adjusted at will. Good fabrics should also be wear-resistant, waterproof, chemical-resistant and so on. Usually use some canvas such as polyester staple fiber, leather, cowhide, Oxford cloth and nylon cloth. These materials are quite good.
In the sewing connection process of the belt and shoulder strap with the whole bag body and fabric, its process quality must be very firm, and the stitches should not be too big or too loose. You can recommend some good brands and bags. As a niche brand of Singapore, Xiao CK is feminine and doesn't look old-fashioned. Zara is now a fast fashion brand, with not only lipstick and perfume, but also bags. There are many styles of bags, from cute to mature.
There are also some cross-body bags or plush bags packed in buckets, which can be used for shopping at ordinary times and are very eye-catching when traveling. Jelly cats also have some cute bags, such as watermelon-shaped, avocado-shaped and toast-shaped, all of which are very cute. These plush bags allow you to have plush toys and bags at the same time, which is very cute. Bremen's messenger bag is very valuable. It has a transparent outer package with some toys and ornaments inside, which looks like a work of art..