The eighteen bears in Yiwu need a higher bride price, but the woman will return it in the form of dowry. When men in Yiwu get married, some will carry eighteen loads of things to the woman's house to propose marriage according to the traditional customs of Yiwu, and some will be specially used to hold cash. In Yiwu, the bride price money given by the man usually needs hundreds of thousands, and many can even reach millions. Such a high bride price may be incomprehensible to outsiders. But in most cases, the bride price will be returned by the bride's parents in the form of dowry, and other items will be bought for her daughter. Therefore, even if Yiwu has a high bride price, it has not been labeled as a high bride price.
Bride price can exist as a custom, but it should not be a burden for newcomers. Since ancient times, it has been a custom for a man to give a bride price to a woman, and we can continue this custom. But in some places, the bride price is noble, but it changes the taste of the bride price. In some provinces, a man needs hundreds of thousands of bride price to marry a wife, which makes many marriageable men miserable. Boys who have just worked hard in the society for a few years don't have much savings, and with the pressure of buying a house and a car, not many people can give their own bride price. Sometimes in order to pay the bride price of the woman's family, the man's family often needs to borrow money from outside.
In short, the eighteen bears in Yiwu, as a traditional marriage custom in Yiwu, are still circulating in Yiwu. But with the introduction of new ideas, it is likely to gradually become a form. It is important for two people to get married, but it is not important how much the bride price is.