In rural areas, most young people have gone out to work, and there are not many people left in the village. Only some middle-aged and elderly people have low incomes and have to help their children. Life is not rich, but in the countryside, pay attention to etiquette and politeness. Even if you are not rich, you still have to obey the etiquette and pay the gift money as usual. You still have to understand the world. ?
There are two kinds of followers. The first is to return the gift, that is, someone was invited at home last time, and this time someone invited him, so it is natural to return the gift. Every family has a bookkeeping book to record the last gift. The next time someone works at home, they will give gifts to others according to the money they had before. This is the basic reciprocity.
Then the second is being invited for the first time. Those who are invited for the first time have to look at the family's economic situation and familiarity with the family before deciding how much gift money to give. Most of them are based on 200 yuan, and those with good relations are based on 500 yuan, and the distant relatives are based on 800- 1000 yuan, and the close relatives are based on 1000 yuan. Of course, the situation of each family should also be considered.
In today's society, the world is becoming more and more important. On the one hand, we should return the gift money according to the money we received last time, on the other hand, we should follow the crowd, but we should do what we can and be secular within our own ability.