Second, the possible reasons:
1. Local DNS is blocked.
2. The router DNS is blocked.
Third, DNS interception:
Intercept the request for domain name resolution in the hijacked network, analyze the requested domain name, and release the request outside the scope of review. Otherwise, return a fake IP address or do nothing to make the request lose its response, and the effect is that it cannot respond to a specific network or access a fake URL.
Fourth, the solution:
First, modify the local connection properties of the computer.
1, modified manually:
Click the network connection icon = "Open the network * * * Enjoy Center =" Change adapter settings = "Right-click the local connection =" Properties = ". Double-click Internet Protocol Version 4(TCP/IPv4)= "and use the following DNS server address =" The first choice is114.114. The standby time is114.14.115.15 = "ok =" ok.
2, the computer housekeeper to modify
Open the computer housekeeper = "Toolbox =" DNS optimization =" Detect now = "Select DNS with fast resolution.
Second, set the DNS of the router.
Open a browser and enter "http:/192.168.1"in the address bar (see the router for account number and password).
Click the network parameter = "WAN port setting = "The primary DNS server is set to114.14.114, and the standby DNS server is set to"1650/4.