Confucius and Shu Jing went to Luoyang together.
Early the next morning, Confucius and Uncle Jing handed in a business card to visit. Lao Tzu welcomed them in, and after sitting down, the two sides exchanged a few commonplaces. Confucius made clear his intention: "I have heard a lot about you, and you are smart and polite." Today, Uncle Jing and I came to ask for advice. I hope you don't treat me like a layman and despise teaching. "
Lao Tzu smiled and replied, "Since you two mistakenly believed my false name and took the trouble to come, I certainly welcome it. But I'm ashamed. I'm afraid my knowledge is not as good as yours. I can only share my little knowledge with you as much as possible. When it comes to courtesy and virtue, I can still know a thing or two; As for music, there are so many ancient music from Yao, Shun, Yu, Tang, Wen, Wu, Cheng and Kang till now. I'm not a music palace, and I haven't studied this aspect carefully. Music is very important for banquets. I haven't practiced, I dare not talk nonsense. When you come here on orders from Lu Jun, you will inevitably ask Zhou Le, I am ashamed of my incompetence. But my good friend Changhong, he is now an official of Wang Chaole, and his grandfather and father used to be music officials. Changhong is experienced, and he is sure to answer your questions in detail. I'll introduce you to them first so that you can visit them another day. "
Confucius quickly thanked him and said, "I still want to ask, why is today's ceremony not as good as the ancient ceremony?"
Laozi sighed slightly: "This is the result of the decline of Zhou Shi, the hegemony of princes, and his arrogance!" This ancient ceremony was made when Duke Zhou assisted King Wu to become king. In the heyday of the Western Zhou Dynasty, all kinds of rituals were complete and obeyed from top to bottom, and no one dared to surpass them. Since the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, the ancient ritual system has gradually disappeared. If you want to know about ancient rituals, you might as well listen to them. Please come with me to the suburban community, Tang Ming and Zongmiao, and you will see it at a glance. "
After that, Lao Tzu took Confucius and Shu Jing to the hall. When he came to the hall, Confucius looked around and saw four doors painted with portraits of Yao, Shun, Jie and Zhou, all of which were vivid. Yao and Shun are both crouching and majestic. Jay and Zhou are fierce and sharp, with decadent colors. There is also the Duke of Zhou's assistance in making a map of the king, and Ming Ding's inscription is endless.
After leaving Tang Ming, they went to the ancestral temple to visit various sacrificial vessels. In front of the stone steps, Confucius saw a bronze statue about the size of a person, with three seals on his mouth and a long inscription on his back. After reading it from beginning to end, Confucius said to Uncle Jing, "Today, when I saw this silent bronze statue, I realized that you should not talk too much. If you talk too much, you will lose." Don't mind your own business, it is bound to bring trouble. "
Unconsciously, in the afternoon, Lao Tzu invited Confucius and Uncle Jing to have dinner together. After dinner, Confucius asked Laozi again: "Without the guidance of experts, I can't understand the meaning of various etiquette systems. Please give me more advice. "
Lao Tzu said, "Sit down and I'll tell you. Etiquette plays a great role! The world can be right according to the ceremony, so the wise man is in the position of governing the Tao by observing the ceremony. Wang You and Li Wang did the opposite and suffered greatly. It can be seen that the etiquette system is related to the rise and fall of the national chaos and must not be taken lightly. First of all, you should know that the ancient holy king ruled human feelings according to heaven and was inspired by the will of ghosts and gods, so he formulated various etiquette systems. "
Hearing this, Confucius asked, "Why can't Lu worship heaven and earth?"
Lao Tzu replied: "Lu is a descendant of the Duke of Zhou, and the suburban social ceremony was revised by the Duke of Zhou and was an exclusive gift of the emperor. According to the precedent of Duke Zhou's legacy, Lu did not hold a ceremony to worship the suburbs in winter. "
Confucius said, "What is the ancient meaning of suburban community?"
Lao Tzu replied: "Generally speaking, the suburbs are places of worship, and the communities are places of worship. It is complicated to explain these two ceremonies in detail. The suburban worship of ancient emperors was for ancestor worship. Everything is heaven, and everyone is the ancestor. Sacrifice in the suburbs is a kind of returning to nature, so the sacrifice to God must be held on the first day of the sun's birth from the winter solstice, mainly to welcome Sun Long. Suburb worship began in Zhou Dynasty, followed by winter and the moon, and went to a sunny place. On the day of fright, the social sacrifice is to pray for farming, which is called the Great Suburb Festival. People built an altar in the southern suburbs called Yuan Qiu, also known as the Temple of Heaven and the Great Altar. In addition, animals and cattle for sacrifice in the suburbs should be raised three months in advance; Cattle for social sacrifice should be prepared temporarily. They are used to sacrifice to gods and ghosts respectively, and the color must be red. Before the sacrifice, the mound in the garden should be cleaned up. Sacrificial vessels are pottery, the number of image days is used for rural ceremonies, and the number of image days is used for social ceremonies. These are the sacrifices of the emperor, and princes cannot abuse them. "
Confucius asked again, "What etiquette does the son of heaven have in the suburbs?"
Lao Tzu replied: "Sacrifice the son of heaven in the suburbs, predict it first, and choose a day;" Then go to the ancestral temple to wish you an order, and go to the father temple to tell you that you have prepared a turtle for divination. These show respect for your ancestors. On the day of divination, the son of heaven came in person and accepted the diviner's farewell speech. After the ceremony, he swore to Kumen and asked the officials to fast first. On the day of suburban festivals, people in mourning can't enter the country, mourners can't cry, roads should be clean and pedestrians should stop. The son of heaven wears clothes and fur and takes a vegetarian car. In front of the procession are twelve flags embroidered with dragon patterns representing the sky. The son of heaven got off at the big altar, put on clothes to worship heaven, and put on a flat crown for twelve years. The following ceremonies, such as offering titles, offering incense, burning firewood, saying vows, etc. Suburbs and society are the same. In short, the ceremony in suburban communities is to offer sacrifices to the gods. Rite and taste are to worship Zhao Mu's ancestors. In addition, there are all kinds of ceremonies popular among the people, such as wine offering ceremony, which is a respect for death and mourning; The shooting ceremony is a respect for the hard villages and towns; Eating gifts is to respect guests. "
Confucius said: "I have heard that the ceremony of family is to divide the old and the young, the ceremony of boudoir is to be harmonious among the three ethnic groups, the ceremony of courtship is to respect officials, the ceremony of hunting ground is to be idle, and the ceremony of military is to learn success." If you do the opposite, what kind of disasters and disasters will you encounter? "
Laozi replied: "In that case, you will walk like a blind man and suddenly lose the person who helps you;" It's like sitting in a dark room without candles all night, seeing nothing, afraid to touch, and even embarrassed to advance and retreat. "
Speaking of which, Changhong just came to visit Laozi. Lao Tzu got up to meet him and said, "We wanted to visit you again, but you came uninvited, which saved us a lot of steps." Then introduce Confucius and Uncle Jing to him.
Changhong said with a smile, "One guest doesn't bother two hosts, so don't ask me this ignorant person. If you don't answer me, don't make a fool of yourself in public! "
Uncle Jing interposed, "I've heard a lot about you. You're welcome. Yuefu is extensive and profound, and no one can fully understand it. Sir, if you teach us what you know, we will benefit a lot. "
Confucius stepped forward, bowed and asked seriously, "Wu Le is so profound that I often feel I can't understand it. Excuse me, what does' the military is ready' mean? "
Changhong replied: "King Wu was afraid that his disciples would not get his respect for a long time, so he made this music song to warn them."
Confucius asked again, "What do you mean by' fleas are vigorous and resolute'?"
Changhong replied: "This means that many things can't be done too early or too late. Do it when you should do it. "
Confucius then asked, "What about' too late and too long'?"
Changhong thought for a moment and replied, "This is a bit complicated. In general, it is a description of success, that is, praising the achievements of the Zhou Dynasty in destroying the Shang and Zhou Dynasties. " Too late "means that success is slow. Standing in the courtyard for a long time means standing for a long time waiting for the governor to come to the meeting. Therefore, when Wu Le said, "Always stand on the mountain", he meant that King Wu led the army to meet his ministers in Jin Meng, and stood there with a mountain of momentum. There are 60% martial arts, commonly known as six sections: 10% sending troops to attack, 20% destroying business, 30% founding the country, 40% uniting with the southern princes, 5% governing Shaanxi, and 60% claiming the throne. This is Wu Le's great achievement. "
Confucius said, "I am very lucky to hear this teaching and get to know Wu Le. But I don't know which is better, military music or shaole music? "
Changhong said, "Shao is the happy name of Yu Shun and Wu Weizhi. On the reward of merit, Shun followed Yao to govern the country, and Wu conquered the country to save the people, which is not the same. But when it comes to music, less music is magnificent, both in form and content. In Wu Le, although the voice is beautiful, the tune is obscure and not as good as less music. "
After discussion for a while, Changhong had something to do, so he left first.
Confucius visited Beijing for a few days and was ready to pack up and go back. He went to say goodbye to Lao Tzu, who was sincere to him and said to Confucius, "The rich give me property, while the benevolent only give me words." I am not rich, and I have a reputation as a gentleman for nothing. But I still want to send you a few words: people who are knowledgeable now are too smart and knowledgeable to live long, because they like to talk about other people's length; Too knowledgeable and eloquent, it is difficult to protect their wealth, because they like to expose the sins of others. Be a man, cultivate one's morality and respect one's parents at home; When you are in the DPRK, you must listen to others' good words, forget yourself and be king with all your heart. "
"I will remember your teachings and never forget them." With that, Confucius got on the bus with Uncle Jing and went back to Shandong.
2. stingy Yan ying
Doctor Gao of Qi once went to Lu with Yan Ying. Yan Ying is a famous saint. He has known Confucius for a long time. When Yan Yinghe arrived in Shandong, the first thing she did was to visit Confucius.
Before Confucius went to Qi, he wrote a letter to Yan Ying and Zhao Zi. Therefore, when Confucius and his party went to the outskirts of Linzi, Zhao Zi had ordered his clan Highgarden to meet them at the city gate. When Confucius and Highgarden met for the first time, they thought he was the envoy of Prime Minister Yan Ying.
When Confucius saw Highgarden, he got off the bus and said, "I really can't thank you for your kindness!"
Highgarden said, "I have been ordered by Dr. Gao to meet your master. Presumably Dr. Gao is anxious at home. " Confucius followed to see Gao. After the greeting, the two sides sat down.
Confucius said, "I went to your country to visit my old friend and greet Lu Jun. I wonder where Zhao Gong is now?"
Zhao Zi replied, "Our monarch asked him to live in Tang Fu, which is about half a day's journey from here."
Confucius asked Zhao Zi to send someone to take Zigong to Tang Fu to see Zhao Gong.
Less than half a day later, Zi Gong came back from Tang Fu and reported to Confucius, "Zhao Gong is a little ill and is ill in bed. When he is well, he will come to see you in person. "
In the evening, Zhao Zi gave a banquet to welcome Confucius and invited Yan Ying to sit with him.
Yan Ying is short, but famous. Qi Jinggong appointed him as a doctor and sent him to Chu. The king of Chu saw that he was short and wanted to humiliate him. He opened a dog hole next to the city gate and deliberately closed the city gate to let him in through the dog door.
Yan Ying said calmly, "If I were sent to the dog country, I would definitely go in through the dog gate, but today I came to Chu, so I should go in through the gate." Bring disgrace to oneself, the king of Chu had to order the gate to be opened. When he returned to the State of Qi, Gong Jing promoted him to prime minister.
It stands to reason that since Yan Ying and Confucius are old friends, they should recommend sages for the country and manage state affairs together with Confucius, just as Bao Shu recommended Guan Zhong. Who knows, when Yan Ying saw that Confucius was ten times smarter than him, he thought: If we all work for Qi, we will definitely attach importance to it and despise ourselves. Then the top spot won by Dog Gate will be handed over to Confucius. Because of Yan Ying's selfishness, at the banquet, Zhao Zili advised Confucius to go to Qi for politics, but Yan Ying pretended not to hear him and only talked to Zi Gong.
Zhao Zi said to Confucius, "You said that Lu was your birthplace, so you should help Lu Jun respect him and be busy dealing with barbarians. Big is the world, small is the vassal. Your political views are really great, but as far as the current situation in Shandong is concerned, it is really hard to think about it. Lu Jun fled, and the national chaos began. Sun Meng, Shu Sun and Ji Sun fought for power and land, and the government collapsed and went from bad to worse. Now the new monarch, with the support of the Ji family and under the threat of the powerful minister, just does some ceremonial chores, which the Lian Guomin government can't ask, and says that he is fighting for the king! If you want to help Ji's family and do something out of line, you will definitely die. Originally, regarding your previous life, you should first consider going to Song State. But "xianggong", since Song is weaker than Lu, you will definitely not make a difference there! So if you want to have a big career, Qi should be the first choice. Since Guan Zhong assisted Huan Gong to dominate the princes, the territory of Qi State has been expanding day by day, with an increasing number of citizens and sufficient treasury. If you are willing to stay here, it will be a piece of cake to realize your great ambitions! "
Zhao Zi earnestly persuaded Confucius to stay in Qi State, but Yan Ying only talked glibly with Zi Gong. How clever Confucius was and what Yan Ying thought, he had guessed a thing or two. He said to Zhao Zi, "Guan Zhong is a gentleman. Of course, he agrees that I should respect Zhou Shi and drive away Yi Di. The most commendable thing is that he can help Huan Gong conquer the princes and dominate the world without any strategy. If God didn't give birth to Guan Zhong, or Guan Zhong didn't meet Bao Shu, or Huan Gong didn't need Guan Zhong, Yi Di would have seized the declining world. We can only be Yidi's people! So I say Guan Zhong is a gentleman. " Then I looked around and stayed in Qi without saying a word.
Zhao Zi also saw the worries of Confucius and Yan Ying, so he talked cautiously with Confucius about the present and the past.
At this time, Yan Ying took the initiative to say to Confucius, "You and I have been apart for less than three years, and you are full of talents. There is only one Zigong whose knowledge and eloquence are unparalleled in the country. In a few years, all the talents in the world will be yours. What an honor! I am afraid that even I will worship your door in the future. "
Confucius said, "How dare I accept you as an apprentice! I just hope everyone can be practical and be best friends forever. So I feel very glorious! "
It is true that the speaker is interested and the listener is interested. At this point, Yan Ying's chest was like a stone weighing a pound, which was extremely uncomfortable. Qi Jinggong has always loved talents, so Yan Ying thought, "Once Gong Jing meets and talks with Confucius, he will definitely be appointed as an official, and his position will be equal to mine. Confucius is a very capable man, but I am just eloquent. If he stays, my position will be shaken. " Thinking of this, I was on pins and needles and left before the party was over.
Before the banquet was over, Zhao Zi and Confucius were exhausted. After Zhao Zi checked in for many times, Confucius and his disciples both stayed in the high house.
The next day, Yan Ying sent a letter to Zhao Zi, saying: Confucius is a genius in the world. If you insist on recommending him, I have to resign. I hope Zhao Zi doesn't talk about Confucius in front of Gong Jing. Although Zhao Zi blamed him for being jealous of talents, he thought that Yan Ying was the prime minister after all and was trusted by Gong Jing, so he had no objection and had to agree.
Yan Ying told Dr. Qing one by one that when she was traveling with Confucius, she just didn't let Qi Jinggong know.
On this day, Gong Jing saw a one-legged bird in the court. The bird flew to the temple, spread its wings and jumped up. Gong Jing was very surprised and asked Yan Ying, "I have never seen such a bird. One foot can spread its wings and jump. Do you know its name? "
Yan Ying replied: "I don't know, and I dare not make it up casually."
Gong Jing asked his ministers again, but they didn't know.
At this time, he went to the DPRK to thank him for his kindness. Seeing this situation, he said, "Kong Qiu is a learned man in our country. He is visiting your doctor now, Gao. Why not send someone to ask? "
Duke Jing of Jin asked Zhao Zi to ask Confucius.
Confucius asked, "How did Qi Huangong know I was in your house?"
Zhao Zi replied, "Lv Hou said that Master is a naturalist and must know the name of this bird."
After Confucius understood the reason, he thought about it and said, "That bird should be called Shang Yang, which means there is a flood. In the past, children bent their feet and spread their hands, singing such a nursery rhyme:' When it is going to rain heavily, sheep and birds will dance.' Now, when you see this bird in the court, it may be a sign that a flood is coming. To tell people to ditch and build dikes. "
Zhao Zi told Gong Jing exactly what Confucius said. Convinced, Gong Jing ordered Zhao Zi to know the people, repair dikes, prevent floods, and let Zhao Zi supervise the work himself.
Ying sneered, "It's just a nursery rhyme. Don't believe it. If there is no flood, we should not lose confidence in the people or wait. "
Gong Jing always trusted Yan Ying, so he said to Zhao Zi, "If Guo Xiang makes sense, listen to him first."
Ji Zha and Confucius.
Ji Zha of Wu was ordered to be sent to Qi. He is a doctor of rites in the state of Wu, and is considered a moral man. When Confucius learned about this, he wanted to meet him.
When it was time to thank him, he said, "The people of Lu are visiting my house. He has long longed for the fame of a doctor and wants to see it. "
Ji Zha replied, "I have always admired his omniscient knowledge. He is a great sage who knows everything. I was going to ask Lu myself, but he happened to be at your house. "
Zhao Zi invited Confucius to meet Ji Zha. The two hit it off as soon as they met, and they chatted very speculatively. Confucius asked Ji Zha to stay in Gaofu for a while and have fun with himself. Ji Zha is more detailed than Changhong in Beijing. Ji Zha and Changhong both think that less music is better than martial arts.
Confucius said, "Less pleasure comes first, and Wu Le comes last. Why didn't King Wu imitate Shao Le, but decided to be the kind of Wu Le with low volume and obscure songs? "
"This is because the situation of Shun and Wu is different. In Shun Dynasty, Yao married his two daughters and gave him the throne. Although he is a minister following the monarch, he is also within the scope of abdication, which is reasonable and no one criticizes him. When Shunzhi was full of pride, he played banjo and sang Nanfeng songs. As the song goes:' the smoke of the south wind can solve the worries of our people; When the south wind blows, it can enrich the wealth of our people. "What a grand volume, his poems are full of joy and satisfaction, which makes people imagine his prosperity and civilization, and the nobles are still talking about it. On the contrary, King Wu is in adversity. When he sent troops to the Eastern Expedition Week, he met Boyi and Shu Qi and warned: "Don't attack the monarch with ministers!" Later, although King Wu won the world of Shang Dynasty, he could not escape the public opinion that his ministers attacked the king. Therefore, when he is enjoying himself, it is not convenient for him to talk about being nice and describe the sins of the old king. So there was Wu Le. He hesitated, and his meaning was hard to understand. "
Confucius said, "The doctor is right. I used to think that martial arts was something that contemporary literati should learn, until I went to Luoyi to watch the ceremony and met Changhong, whose views were exactly the same as yours. I have long wanted to learn to be less happy, and I hope the doctor will give me more advice. "
Ji Zha said with a smile: "The master likes to have less fun, and I am willing to shoot for you. However, I want my eldest son Yi to stay and learn from the master. Please don't refuse! "
4. Failure to enter Wei-Confucius and Wen Zi
After hearing Zi Gong's words, Wen Zi, the general of Wei, paid more attention to Confucius and immediately entered the palace to play. Gong Ling has always liked virtuous and polite people. When he heard that Confucius was here, he wanted to personally welcome Confucius into the DPRK and entrust him with handling state affairs.
Wen Zi said, "I will go to see Confucius first, convey your order and welcome him to the court. If he doesn't call, it's arrogant to see him in person. Once entrusted with the national government, I am afraid that I will monopolize the country and be careful. " Gong Ling agreed. Wen Zi, stand down.
The next day, Wen Zi put on his coat and hat, and told the coachman to get his car ready for a visit to Confucius at Yan Zhai. He happened to meet Confucius and ordered Zigong to visit first as a guide. Wen Zi demoted him. Please enter the room. After the ceremony, both sides took their seats.
Wen Zi said, "Zi Gong came to tell me yesterday that Master has arrived in our capital. I was ecstatic and immediately entered the palace to play the monarch. I asked your majesty to greet my master, and I was just about to drive to visit him. I don't want my host to come, so I don't want to welcome him. I hope your lordship won't take it amiss! "
Confucius said, "What virtue can I have? I dare to welcome the general from afar. When I lived in Quirrey, every time a scholar from your country asked me about your country's politics, I always praised the general's political integrity. He is the mainstay of national defense, and Wei Hou is also a leading saint in the world, so I sincerely come here to see the glory of your country. When I entered the country, I asked about the ban, the customs, and the politics of North Korea. I believe what others say is true. How can I be unconvinced? " Wen Zi said a few modest words, talked about the current affairs of various countries, and held a banquet to welcome Confucius.
After three rounds of drinking, Wen Zi remembered a family matter and asked Confucius, "My ancestors have been buried for many years, and there is no place to sacrifice. Now I'm going to find a garden clearing to build a temple for him. I wonder if it is consistent with the temple system? "
Confucius said, "The public temple is located in a private part, and there is nothing in the ancient ceremony. I don't know about this trip."
Wen Zi asked, "What was the system of building temples in ancient times?"
Confucius said, "There is a monarch in the world, and the founding of the country is divided, and temples are set up to worship the ancestors. How much is divided?" Therefore, the son of heaven established seven temples, namely Sanzhao, Sanmu and Taizu. Close to the temple is the great ancestor who burns incense and worships every month; The distant temple is called Erju, and the great-great-grandfather parents and grandparents call Erju, and they worship at four o'clock.
"Warlords set two Zhao, two mu, MAO five temples, ancestral temple worship at four o' clock. The doctor set up three temples, Zhao, Yimu and Taizu, and worshipped at four o'clock. Scholars set up a temple, which is called Kao Temple. Wang Kao (that is, his late grandfather) didn't have a temple, so he joined Coton Poole and made a sacrifice at bedtime at four o'clock. There is no temple in Shu Ren, and people use it to worship sleep.
"It's all the same from Yu Shun to the Zhou Dynasty. The suburban sacrifices of the emperors of Yu, Xia, Shang and Zhou are all sacrifices to heaven. Alas, the five-year big sacrifice, only the Taizu temple is not destroyed; Ancient ancestors made meritorious deeds, ancestors were virtuous, and the temple was not destroyed. The ancestor of the Zhou Dynasty was Zhou Wenwang Temple. Virtue Sect is the Temple of Zhou Wuwang. With the delicious food in Tang Ming, the temple always looks new. "
Then he asked, "The Sacrifice to the Cloud says,' Zhuan Xu, the ancestor of Yu, lived in Zhuan Xu, in Yin Jutang and in Zhou Juwen.' Some of these four ancestors are from different generations, and some are meritorious ancestors. Of course, the temple will not be destroyed. As for Yu Zongyao's and Xia's ancestral preface, they are all generational and have merits. Can their temples be preserved? "
Confucius said, "Yes! The blood ancestors of the Yin and Zhou Dynasties had immortal temples. Ancestors of different generations have made great contributions to the country. Although it is different generations, it cannot be eliminated. The book of songs says,' build Gan Tang, or cut it down, and Shao Bo will rest.' It means that Zhou people remember the good governance and could not bear to cut down the tree where he rested; What's more, the merits and demerits of our ancestors show that how can we not follow their temples? "
Wen Zi surrendered and said, "The master is worthy of being a famous teacher in the world. He has taught 3,000 students. After listening to your lecture, I suddenly gained a lot of knowledge; I also want to worship at your door, please don't refuse. "
Confucius smiled and declined: "How dare I accept the general as a disciple? It's just that friends learn from each other, which is an ancient and modern practice. If the general asks, I will know everything. "
Wen Zi obeyed respectfully, and from then on, he often called Confucius a "master". After the banquet, they agreed to see Gong Ling the next day, and Confucius thanked them.
5. Zi Gong saved Lu.
Tian Chang of the State of Qi, since the death of Yan Ying, has always wanted to launch a rebellion to seize the throne, but he was afraid of high security and did not dare to come to the rescue. He heard that Confucius had left Lu, so he asked Qi Jinggong to cut Lu. Because he believes that the military power is in hand and it is easy to seize the throne in the future. Gong Jing put him on the field and ordered him to train the three armed forces to prepare for Varu. The news was learned by Confucius disciples in Qi State and reported to Confucius in secret.
Confucius called his disciples to discuss: "Lu is our father's country, and now Tian Chang intends to attack Lu, and my home and ancestral graves will be destroyed by war." I want to bow to Tian Chang to save Lu. Which of you can lobby Tian Chang? "
Zi Gong went to see Confucius and asked him to send an envoy to Qi, and Confucius agreed. Zigong immediately drove to Qidu and asked to meet Tian Chang. Tian Chang invited him in. As soon as he sat down, he said, "Are you here to stop me from cutting Lu?"
Zi Gong replied, "I left Shandong with Confucius for many years. What happened to Lu has nothing to do with me. I'm here to plan for the general. " In my humble opinion, it is too difficult for you to attack Lu, but it is easier to conquer Wu and make contributions. "
Tian Chang asked, "How can we conquer Wu more easily?"
Zi Gong said: "I heard that those who worry about the country attack the strong and those who worry about the outside attack the weak. The general failed to seal it three times, but the minister did not listen to the order; Bao and Yan defeated the main arrogance, broke the country and respected the minister, and the general did nothing. Don't you think it's dangerous for the general to argue with the minister? "
Tian Chang said, "You're right, but the chariot I sent first is approaching the Shandong border, so we can't divert. What should we do? "
Zi Gong replied: "This is not difficult. The general can order a slow advance. I'm going to Wu for help and ask Wu Jun to attack Qi and save Lu. The general can fight against Wu Jun "Tian Chang agreed.
6. Retreat from Qin Shi in a hurry-chord height
Gao Xian was a businessman of the State of Zheng in the Spring and Autumn Period. His business was selling cattle. In 627 BC, Meng was appointed as the commander-in-chief and Bai as the lieutenant. He quietly marched on Zheng and soon entered the territory of the sliding country bordering Zheng in the south. He was worried when he learned that Qin Shihuang was going to attack Zheng. He used his quick wits and came up with a plan to slow down his troops: while sending someone to report the enemy's situation to Zheng day and night, he greeted him directly, pretending to be Zheng's envoy who came to treat him on Zheng's orders, and gave Meng cooked cowhide and fat cattle 12 heads. He said kindly, "The monarch of our country heard that three generals had come from a long distance. Because of the rush of time, he couldn't finish reading this book, so he was afraid that he would be late to meet him. I have sent a special envoy to wait here. I want to give you a gift to entertain your army first. There are light and heavy, please come and join us. " Meng was shocked by what he said, so he had to improvise. After accepting the gift, he faltered and said, "I heard that your monarch has lost his life." In order to prevent Jin from invading, our monarch sent me to assist in defense. " He said calmly, "Zheng is a big country, so we must be vigilant day and night. We are not afraid of any invaders. Please rest assured. " Qin Jun came up with a surprise, caught him off guard, and attacked Qi Zi inside and outside. Now that the army has just entered the slippery country, Zheng sent messengers to meet the enemy. I also heard that Zheng has been on the alert, so it is estimated that it is difficult to storm, fearing that there will be no successors for a long time and the army will be in trouble. Meng hypocritically replied, "Zheng doesn't need our help!" " Gao Xian replied, "Although our country is weak, it is ready for the arrival of your army. If you want to station in Zheng, we will prepare housing and food; Just passing by, then be responsible for the vigil. " Meng had to say, "This time we are.
I'm here to help you stop the invasion of Jin. Now that you are ready, we will move back to China. You don't have to bother, please go back! "So he wiped out the slippery country to the west, but was wiped out by the ambush of 8 jin j on the road.
7. Brilliant literary talent and love for national conditions-Han Yu
Han Yu was a famous writer and thinker in Tang Dynasty. The word back, today's Henan Heyang, Henan Mengxian South) people. Born in 768, died in 824. In the first year of Changqing (82 1), 53-year-old Han Yu returned to Kyoto. After Han Yu returned to Beijing, his political status gradually rose, and he used to be an assistant minister in the official department. At this time, his political performance was mainly to contribute to national reunification. Han Yu declared a mutiny in Zhou Zhen (now Zhengding, Hebei Province), and was praised by Su Dongpo as "seizing the commanding position of the three armed forces". In the autumn of the second year of Changqing, Han Yu was promoted to assistant minister of the Ministry of War. Before this, Cheng De's military power made Wang Ting rebel, and the court sent Han Yu to Fu Xuan. Han Yu went straight into the rebel camp. Wang Ting threatened Han Yu and ordered the soldiers to question him: "I, the first Taishi of Chengde Army, defeated Song Ying for the imperial court, and my bloody clothes are still there. What's wrong with the court? " Why do you treat us like rebels now? "Han Yu said quietly," I thought you didn't remember the first surname. It turns out that everyone still remembers, great! "Mean, loyalty is good or not rebellious. Needless to say, take the example of these decades since Dabao. Are there any traitors among the descendants of An Lushan, Shi Siming, Li Xilie, Zhu Yi, Wu Yuanji and Li Gugu? Are there any descendants of officials? " The soldier replied, "No". "After your counselor Wang first surrendered to the imperial court, he was appointed as our envoy until the secretariat. Children and grandchildren are all officials, and they are all rich and prosperous. Have you all heard of this? " The soldier replied, "I've heard of it. But Tian is too harsh, so he opposes him. " Han Yu said, "Even so, didn't you kill him, even his whole family? What else do you have to say? " All the soldiers think that what Han Yu said is reasonable. Wang Ting thought of Wu Yuanji's fate in Huaixi, and he was afraid. He said to Han Yu, "What do you want from me this time?" Han Yu asked, "What do you want to do when you have besieged Niu Yuan Yi for so long?" Wang Ting echoed: "I will lift the siege at once." Seeing that the purpose of his trip had been achieved, Han Yu said, "If so, you will be fine." Later, Niu was really relieved. Han Yu's trip to Zhenzhou showed his courage and strategy, which proved that he was not just a scholar who could only write articles.