We often hear people say? Different winds in ten miles, different customs in a hundred miles? Different places have different customs about marriage etiquette and customs; However, no matter how far apart, there is a common custom when getting married, that is, the couple will toast the guests table by table. In fact, the implication of toasting the couple is very simple, that is, let the couple represent themselves and their families and express their gratitude to the relatives and friends who have come forward to congratulate them.
For each of us, getting married means that we have grown up and formally become adults; In the future marriage, we also need to shoulder the responsibility of taking care of the family. So let the couple toast at the dinner party, does it mean that the couple will become a formal couple from now on? My Lord. ; From the day of my wedding, I will face the burden of my family alone and start a new life at home.
Of course, in addition to thanking the guests present, the toast at the dinner is also the best opportunity for a couple to meet relatives and friends. Therefore, at the banquet, the family will take the opportunity of toasting to introduce their closest friends to the couple; It also allows newcomers to take this opportunity to communicate with you and deepen their good feelings and impressions. On my wedding day, I met many people? Stranger? That I can't even tell who they are and what to call them.
Therefore, in view of the above situation, there are two main meanings of toasting guests when they get married. The most important layer is to express gratitude to the guests present; The second is to take this opportunity to let both sides know each other's relatives and friends.