What does ARR:UFib on ECG monitor mean?
Analysis of Frequently Asked Questions The Significance of Sheng Jianxia's Emergency Monitoring The critically ill patients must be monitored, call the police immediately when they find danger, and inform the doctor to rescue them in time; Some symptoms appear for a short time, and it takes a long time to measure (for example, 24 hours) to record abnormal phenomena. Philip Monitor Philip Monitor Digital Telemetry Monitoring System Digital Telemetry Monitoring System Plug-in Monitor Plug-in Monitor Defibrillation Monitor Space Monitor Common English abbreviations Contrast ECG ECG; Stop arrhythmia; The total number of ventricular arrhythmias per minute in ventricular premature beats; ASY was arrested; VTA/VFIB ventricular tachycardia/ventricular fibrillation; Run CPT burst early; VPB single room early; BGM's double connection law; TGM triple law; TAC tachycardia; BRD bradycardia; PNC pacemaker was not captured; PNP pacemaker is not pacing; Miss the beat; OxyCRG respiratory oxygenation chart; RESP gasped; RR respiratory rate; Pulse oxygen saturation; Pulse pulse; NIBP noninvasive blood pressure; Sys/NS systolic blood pressure; Average/nanometer average pressure; Diastolic pressure of diameter/diameter; TEMP temperature; IBP invasive blood pressure; Central venous pressure; Pulmonary artery pressure; Left atrial pressure; Right atrial pressure; ART arterial pressure; ICP intracranial pressure; Cardiac output of carbon monoxide; CO2 CO2; End of Et tide; Fi suction end (inhalation); The concept of ECG lead In order to record ECG, the detection electrode is placed at two points at a certain distance on the body surface to form a lead, and the connecting line between the two points represents a connecting axis, which is directional. ① Standard limb lead (bipolar lead): It reflects the voltage difference between two electrodes, and does not distinguish probe electrodes from irrelevant electrodes. There are leads I, II and III. ② Chest lead (unipolar lead): It consists of an irrelevant electrode and an exploratory electrode, and its P wave is obvious, which is helpful to diagnose arrhythmia (V 1) and left anterior myocardial ischemia (V5 and V6). There are: V 1, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6 ③ Pressurized unipolar limb leads: On the basis of standard limb leads, limb-derived voltage is increased by half, divided into AVR, AVL and AVF leads, in Chinese and English. American standard connection: RA (right arm), LA (left arm), LL (left leg), RL (right leg), V (chest)? European standard connection: R red (right arm), L yellow (left arm), F green (left leg), N black (right leg), C white (chest) display lead connection? If it is a triple guide, the electrode placement position: white (RA )→ 0.5cm black (LA )→ right subclavian midline → 0.5cm red (LL )→ left subclavian midline → left costal arch? For five leads, the electrode placement position is: white (RA )→ 0.5cm black (LA )→ right subclavian midline → 0.5cm red (LL )→ left subclavian midline → green (RL )→ left costal arch → right costal arch → brown (V)→ precordial region V 1~6. Three electrodes and five electrodes RA (right arm) white V (chest) brown RL. Green LA (left arm), black LL (left leg), red r, red c, white n, black l, yellow f, green American standard method, European standard method, chest guide (V\C)? V 1: the fourth intercostal space of the right sternum; ? V2: the fourth intercostal space on the left edge of sternum; ? V3: between V2 and V4; ? V4: the fifth intercostal space on the left side of clavicle midline; ? V5: The left axillary front line is in the same plane as V4; ? V6: The left axillary midline is in the same plane as V4.