How to combine LED background template with music?
Embedding music in ppt template. Generally, audio files in MP3 format are linked when inserting PPT. To embed music, you need to convert them into WAV format, and the file size is limited. The method of embedding music in PPT2007: 1. Click on the office icon in the upper left corner -PPT Options-Advanced-Save-Linked sound file with file size greater than the following value: Adjust to 50000 KB-OK. 2. Insert the sound file in WAV format in PPT according to the normal music insertion method, and the file size should be less than 50000KB. Sound files in other formats must be converted to WAV format. 3. Check whether the sound is embedded in PPT. Open the custom animation pane and right-click the drop-down arrow behind the sound animation effect box-effect options-sound settings-information-file: included in the presentation-embedded successfully, if linked ... this means it is not embedded.