When you go to college, you have a great chance of success.
Going to college does not guarantee a bright future, but your chances of success will be greatly increased compared with dropping out of high school.
You can master a skill without going to school.
Not going to school doesn't mean eating to death! Avoid those monotonous and repetitive jobs, such as hotel waiters or handing out leaflets. Try to be an apprentice. Although the salary is not high, you can learn valuable skills and lay a solid foundation for your later life.
Apprentice, cherish youth.
Being an apprentice is certainly stressful, but if you can't bear it, it will be difficult to succeed in any career. In the final analysis, whether you go to college or be an apprentice, it is all about mastering a skill. Of course, you can stop reading, but please don't waste your youth!
Cherish youth and master a skill.
Whether studying or being an apprentice, you need to cherish your youth and master a skill. Don't waste time, don't give up easily, believe in yourself and you will succeed!