Biographical Translation of Wei He An Hou (Excerpt)
Guan Fu visited the Prime Minister during the mourning period. The Prime Minister casually said, "I want to go to Wei Qihou with you, just because you are in mourning now." The irrigator said, "How dare I irrigate people to refuse because of mourning? Please allow me to tell Wei Qihou to set the curtains and prepare for the party. You should come early tomorrow. " Wu Houan agreed. Guanfu told Wei Qihou in detail, just as he told Wu 'an Hou. Mr. and Mrs. Wei Qihou specially bought more meat and wine, cleaned the house overnight, arranged curtains and prepared banquets, and were busy until dawn. Let the housekeeper wait in front of the house at dawn. Wait until noon and see the Prime Minister. Wei Qihou said to Guan Fu, "Did the Prime Minister forget this?" The irrigator was very unhappy and said, "I don't care whether I am in mourning or not, but I should agree with him." He should come. " So he drove to see the Prime Minister himself. The Prime Minister only jokingly promised to make up for her husband the day before, but he really didn't plan to come to dinner. When the irrigator came to the door, the Prime Minister was still sleeping. So Guan Fu went in to see him and said, "The general is very lucky. He agreed to visit Wei Qihou yesterday. Wei Qihou and his wife prepared wine and food. They dare not eat anything since morning. " Wuhou pretended to be surprised and apologized and said, "I was drunk yesterday and forgot to tell you." I drove there, but I walked slowly, and the people who irrigated it were even more angry. Drunk, watering people to dance, inviting the Prime Minister after the dance, the Prime Minister won't get up. The irrigator satirized him at the party. Wei Qihou helped Guan Fu leave and apologized to the Prime Minister. The prime minister drank until dark, and then left.